Speed, Sex and Sanity Presents...You're Write about Meth. - Project Neon BLOG

Speed, Sex and Sanity Presents...You're Write about Meth.

Posted by Anthony R. Morgan on September 2, 2009 12:27 PM

When: Thursday, September 24th, 2009; 6 pm - 8 pm
Where: Kaladi Brothers Coffee
What: A spoken word event for gay/bi men about crystal View image
Who: a collaboration: Project NEON and Gay City Health Project

Hey you!!

Stop clicking that mouse and get to your calendar immediately!! Speed, Sex and Sanity is at it again!! This time we're testing the microphones, dimming the lights and gettin' honest: You're Write about Meth! a dynamic performance event brought to you by gay/bi men for gay/bi men who have or are struggling with meth use. Whether you are in recovery or actively using - this event it the spot for you Thursday, Sept. 24th @ 6 pm.

Here what you do: mark your calendar, sync your blackberry, grab a pencil, write a piece and connect with other gay/bi men who share similar experiences with meth.

The mic is open, the space is safe and the coffee is great - from motivations to use to starting recovery and eveywhere in between.

So you in??? Email your:
art form (i.e., poem, song, spoken word piece); and
contact information
to robert@gaycity.org

And guess what else- we've joined forces with Bent Writing Institute to offer a creative writing workshop to help your creative juices flow- so no excuses - rsvp with robert@gaycity.org

Remember - Thursday, September 24th @ 6 pm...

see you there!!!

Project NEON

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