2009 Anti-Meth Ad Campaign - Project Neon BLOG

2009 Anti-Meth Ad Campaign

Posted by Anthony R. Morgan on October 14, 2009 4:03 PM

2009 Anti-Meth Ad Campaign
View campaign: http://www.methresources.gov/2009antimeth.html

Office of National Drug Control Policy's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign has coordinated the National Anti-Meth Campaign since 2007. Using national data as a guide, the campaign has reached out to areas and populations hardest hit by meth, through TV, radio, print, and online advertising, as well as media events.

The 2009 Anti-Meth Campaign, which launches in September 2009, focuses on preventing methamphetamine use - and raising awareness about treatment and recovery. The target audience for this campaign is young adults ages 18 to 34, as well as family and friends of someone who may be using meth. This young adult target was specifically chosen because methamphetamine initiation and usage rates are highest in this age group nationwide.

The 2009 Anti-Meth Campaign's TV, billboard, radio, print, and online ads will run from September to November in 16 states with the highest methamphetamine use rates, as well as a small group of Midwest states with high levels of reported meth lab seizures and incidents, according to national data. The 16 states are: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Nebraska. Additionally, radio ads and online search ads will run in all states during the same time period.

At the conclusion of the campaign in November, many of the ads will be available as free, customizable public service announcements (PSAs) for use by local non-profits, government offices, and other organizations. The TV ads will be available as free customizable PSAs in early 2010.

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