A drop in group for gay/bi men in recovery from Crystal meth - Project Neon BLOG

A drop in group for gay/bi men in recovery from Crystal meth

Posted by Anthony R. Morgan on October 14, 2009 9:23 AM

**Strength Over Speed (SOS) a grassroots, all volunteer community based project whose mission is to help gay and bisexual men maintain recovery from crystal meth addiction and Seattle Counseling Service, a unique resource to help members of the LGBT communities navigate the path to recovery and wellness, collborate to provide Crystal Clear - a safe, welcoming drop-in group for gay/bi men in recovery from crystal meth.

If you are a gay/bi man who has started on the road to recovery or is well traveled on that road and need additional support - drop -in!

Every Tuesday from 6 pm - 7:30 pm at Seattle Counseling Service (1216 Pine st @ Melrose).

Crystal Clear is free and light refreshment and snacks are provided.
206.323.1768 x 209 for more info

**Additional SOS meetings:
303 17th Ave E. @ Thomas (Dunshee House)

Harborview's Madison Clinic - Ground Floor, West Wing*

303 17th Ave E. @ Thomas (Dunshee House)

1002 E. Seneca, enter lower E. parking lot (Lifelong AIDS Alliance)

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