If you are in the Austin, TX area - please consider attending the 8th Annual Harm Reduction Conference November 18 - 21, 2010.
NEON is proud to present "Got points? Social Network Harm Reduction among Gay/Bi Crystal Users in Seattle, WA"
For details, please visit http://www.8thnationalharmreductionconference.com/
This year highlights:
- Principles of harm reduction: what defines harm reduction in your agency or in your advocacy?
- Harm reduction efforts in Latin@, African American and Native American communities
- Successful service program models including: urban and rural/non-urban settings, culturally specific services, cross-modalities, long-term sustainability, etc.
- User-to-user interventions, education, organizing and advocacy
- History: changing the dialogue around harm reduction and identifying future strategies
- Practical interventions for methamphetamine and crack cocaine users
- Community dynamics: the shifting roles of community based organizations, faith based groups and health departments in funding and public policy
- New research on drug use, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, syringe exchange and harm reduction
- Methadone and buprenorphine information and advocacy
- Spanish language workshops
- Social marketing: targeting drug users and communities with vital information
- Community impact of drug law incarcerations and prison issues for drug users and People Living with HIV/AIDS
- Improving drug treatment outcomes
- Harm Reduction Strategies in LGBTQ Programs
- Redefining the user: advocacy and programs that combat stigma and remove barriers that create harm
- How to start and maintain a syringe exchange program
- Mental health counseling
- Women and substance use
- Opiate overdose prevention and response
- Criminal justice involvement and its impact on communities of color
- Incorporating harm reduction practices in the coordination of mental health services