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July 2013 Archives

PEERspective # 2: Trans-youth and Violence

Posted by Project NEON on July 31, 2013 12:24 PM

By Frank B.

          Lost or rejected, on the streets and without a clear voice, many trans-identified youth experience hate. Often easy targets and seldom asking for trouble, knowing that violence will eventually find them, these are just good kids with a tough set of issues that we as adults need to look into what our community can do to protect and empower. Preventing violence is OUR responsibility, as every person has the right to a life free from the fear and expectation of violence. This responsibility is ours as a whole, and routes the typical barriers that divide- age, race, gender, and even social class. This is a pure opportunity to come united, lay down the arms we all too often point at our own, and show in a peaceful fashion our true love and send a message to the world that violence will not figure in the Better Tomorrow.

          This is a voice being raised for voices that can't. Pay attention and start a dialogue: how can we better change our neighbourhood and make a safe place for youth who identify and/or present themselves outside of the traditional gender roles? Violence destroys us all, and no child should ever have to live life in fear or expectation of violence. Open up the conversation SEATTLE, and let's do something to remind once more that violence against women has no place in the future, and that future starts with the kids on the street and a willing commitment on our part as adults to look past boy or girl and see the young person as they see their self, and encourage positive out-look as role models. We should be more willing to accept our own more readily than the rest of society, so why haven't we?

Dr. Dick's New Article: Mouthing Off

Posted by Project NEON on July 31, 2013 10:31 AM

Dr. Dick has just released Mouthing Off, his July article on oral sex and STI's.


Read it here: Mouthing Off

When and Why do you Wrap it?

Posted by Project NEON on July 30, 2013 10:39 AM

When and why do you wrap it up? Take this fun, confidential condom survey by POZ magazine.


Condom Survey



Join us for Gender Odyssey

Posted by Project NEON on July 29, 2013 12:38 PM

NEON is excited to table at the 12th Annual Gender Odyssey Conference, this Friday through Sunday at the Washington State Convention Center.

"Gender Odyssey is an international conference focused on the needs and interests of transgender and gender-nonconforming people." Learn more about the conference here: Gender Odyssey

It's not too late to register! You can also take part in several FREE events throughout the weekend: Gender Odyssey_FREE Events


Posted by Project NEON on July 25, 2013 10:19 AM

Are you interested in stopping your crystal use?


Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who meet and support each other in recovery from crystal meth addiction. Check out the CMA website for more info and meeting locations throughout Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US. 


Click here for a list of Washington State Meetings

Nutrition Basics

Posted by Project NEON on July 24, 2013 10:13 AM

Looking for some fabulous nutrition info?


For some guys, actively using leads to not-so-great nutrition. Take a look at this easy-to-follow guide from the CDC. Learn about good-for-you foods to incorporate into your diet. Scroll through info about food groups, water, vitamins and minerals, and more.


CDC_Nutrition Basics

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

What do you know about HPV?

Posted by Project NEON on July 17, 2013 6:07 PM

Want to know more about HPV, a super common STI? Take a look at this great new HPV factsheet.


HPV Factsheet


SOURCE: Public Health Seattle & King County website

Check out NEON's newest publication!

Posted by Project NEON on July 3, 2013 12:03 PM

We just released our 2013 risk reduction brochure KEEP CALM AND REDUCE HARM: A Royal High-ness Safety Guide for Kings (and Queens) who use crystal.


We hope you enjoy this special 20th anniversary publication. Happy 20th birthday Project NEON!


Check it out here: KEEP CALM AND REDUCE HARM

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