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August 2013 Archives

Join in the observance of International Overdose Awareness Day

Posted by Project NEON on August 30, 2013 9:10 AM
On Tuesday, Washington State's Governor Inslee issued a proclamation encouraging Washingtonians to join him in observance of International Overdose Awareness Day. View the proclamation here: International Overdose Awareness Day.pdf


Held on August 31 each year, this is a day to commemorate individuals who have passed away or been permanently injured from drug overdose. It also seeks to reduce stigma associated with drug overdose, and raise awareness about overdose prevention.


For more information about International Overdose Awareness Day, please visit

Play SEX trivia with NEON

Posted by Project NEON on August 29, 2013 11:14 AM

NEON After Dark: Call for Submissions

Posted by Project NEON on August 28, 2013 12:45 PM
NEON is looking for poetry/spoken word submissions for the 1st annual NEON After Dark: Erotic Poetry Night on Thursday, November 7. Poetry/spoken word should be consensual, non-violent, sex-positive, health-affirming, and promote safe sex. All submissions will require review by NEON staff. Please send submissions by October 1 to We look forward to hearing from you!

NEON After Dark.pdf

Re-Assessing Barebacking

Posted by Project NEON on August 26, 2013 1:28 PM

Where do you stand on the barebacking risk debate?

Check out the following article which explores stigma, and common beliefs and myths related to barebacking. 



Why We Need to Re-Assess Barebacking, Stop the Stigma and Be Honest About the Risk

June 17, 2013

As editor of a respected online magazine for people living with HIV, I made a choice, rightly or wrongly (probably the latter), so that in our magazine's first year or two we didn't cover barebacking. We thought it was too inflammatory a subject, thought it might encourage people to do it, thought that people would think we were irresponsible.

That changed in a big way when we featured Josh Landale, Josh Kruger, Michael Bouldin, Jake Sobo, Mark S. King and a handful of others for whom barebacking is either part of their lives or they have come to terms with it. Barebacking is, after all, increasingly a part of the lives of many gay men, and the practice inevitably raises difficult issues for all people living with HIV too, given that many have an undetectable viral load now. So, as a culmination of all of those things, our magazine covered barebacking issues frequently in the last twelve months. In fact, opinion pieces from barebackers, many poz, have been common in our pages.

Meanwhile our community's collective knowledge of the science of what is safe and what is not -- and we have covered that extensively too -- has progressed, so that informed voices outside the prevention community are able to offer the kind of nuanced messages and lead discussions that the prevention community itself is sometimes challenged to do.

As Scottish HIV expert Roy Kilpatrick says: "Individuals are often ahead of planners and providers, and are fairly savvy when it comes to working out ways of reducing risk." I tend to agree. And much of the most relevant and listened-to dialogue today is undeniably via social media, not through government funded campaigns.

Read the full article here:


Not Just a "Girl Problem"

Posted by Project NEON on August 22, 2013 2:31 PM

This week at the NEON peer educator meeting, we were fortunate to have a discussion with Lori from the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the National Cervical Cancer Coalition. Lori talked to the group about HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and HPV-related cancer in men.  


HPV is often seen as a health problem affecting women, however, the majority of men and women who are sexually active will get genital HPV infection at some point in their lives.


HPV can cause genital warts, and although rare, can lead to more serious health problems like throat, oral, and anal cancer in men.


Education and conversations with other guys are important. Learn more about genital HPV here:


For information about HPV and the National Cervical Cancer Coalition:

PEERspective # 3: Don't Walk Alone

Posted by Project NEON on August 14, 2013 3:57 PM

Don't Walk Alone!


Don't walk alone, after dark on The Hill, especially right now! There has been a tremendous increase in violent gang activity, as well as an increase in hate violence directed at gay men and trans-identified persons---the common factors being that victims are alone, or with a female companion. Make sure you walk with a buddy! No matter how confident you feel, or how at-home this neighborhood has made you feel in the past, remember that it is better to avoid violence than to become a victim of violence; nothing is more precious than your life or safety.

            I grew up on the hill as a street youth and have seen many dark nights that were scary, but walking around last night made me realize that there's no place like home, and that's the safest place for me after dark. I'm not a coward, but I have no desire to become tomorrow's headline or next weeks martyr; nor should you! 


If you do walk at night remember these tips:

?        Be aware of surroundings!

?        Unplug your headphones and put away your cellphones.

?        Walk with a buddy or even a small group.

?        Call a cab if you can, or share a ride with a friend.

?        Look for designated SAFE SPACE participating businesses such as The Crypt on 11th or Metro on Broadway.


And keep in mind that the police may not be there to help!  Response times are taking longer, and many of these crimes happen very quickly, so it's better to avoid a situation than to wind up in the ER, or worse!





"A Sisterhood of Women Facing HIV Together"

Posted by Project NEON on August 7, 2013 3:54 PM


For our weekly outreach meeting yesterday, we (NEON peer educators and staff) took a trip to BABES Network-YWCA. Based in Seattle, BABES is "a peer education and support program for women living with HIV; a sisterhood of women facing HIV together."


We learned more about the diverse services they provide, and had a meaningful conversation around peer education and advocacy. Thank you, BABES, for the amazing work you do!


Click here for more information about BABES Network.


NEON wants YOU!

Posted by Project NEON on August 5, 2013 4:33 PM

NEON is looking for peer educators for weekly HIV-prevention outreach. Weekly meetings include dinner, stipend, support, and training. Best of all, it's with your PEERS!


Interested? Please call Morgan at 206.323.1768.



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