Don't Walk Alone!
Don't walk alone, after dark on The Hill, especially right now! There has been a tremendous increase in violent gang activity, as well as an increase in hate violence directed at gay men and trans-identified persons---the common factors being that victims are alone, or with a female companion. Make sure you walk with a buddy! No matter how confident you feel, or how at-home this neighborhood has made you feel in the past, remember that it is better to avoid violence than to become a victim of violence; nothing is more precious than your life or safety.
I grew up on the hill as a street youth and have seen many dark nights that were scary, but walking around last night made me realize that there's no place like home, and that's the safest place for me after dark. I'm not a coward, but I have no desire to become tomorrow's headline or next weeks martyr; nor should you!
If you do walk at night remember these tips:
? Be aware of surroundings!
? Unplug your headphones and put away your cellphones.
? Walk with a buddy or even a small group.
? Call a cab if you can, or share a ride with a friend.
? Look for designated SAFE SPACE participating businesses such as The Crypt on 11th or Metro on Broadway.
And keep in mind that the police may not be there to help! Response times are taking longer, and many of these crimes happen very quickly, so it's better to avoid a situation than to wind up in the ER, or worse!