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July 2015 Archives


Posted by Project NEON on July 31, 2015 9:44 AM

Want a free test?

Stop by Seattle Counseling Service today for a FREE HIV test.

Friday, 7/31
3-5 p.m.
Call 206.323.1768 to make an appointment, or just walk-in!


Posted by Project NEON on July 28, 2015 8:48 AM

**Dr. Dick's newest article on drug-resistant gonorrhea** 


**Gonorrhea Health Alert**

Posted by Project NEON on July 23, 2015 12:42 PM

Despite Chaotic Lifestyles, You Can Be an Adherence All-Star

Posted by Project NEON on July 6, 2015 11:47 AM

By Diane Peters, From Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange
Posted on thebody.com
Summer 2015

"My doctor says I'm her star patient," Dwight Barker brags. He's got a right to: He takes his HIV meds like clockwork and his viral load has been undetectable for almost three years. "No matter what, I take my pills every day. It helps that as soon as I open my eyes I can see the pill bottles on my night table and I take them before I get out of bed."
Reaching star status has not been easy for Barker, who's 46. He was diagnosed with HIV in 2010, but suspects he contracted the virus the previous summer when he was living in Vancouver and injecting drugs.
Barker eventually moved to the Edmonton area to get away from the Vancouver drug scene but he started using again. During a five-month relapse, he was unable to take his HIV meds for 12 days straight because someone stole his pills and he couldn't get to a doctor for a new prescription. But he was lucky: His high CD4 count and low viral load remained unchanged.

Read the full article here: Despite Chaotic Lifestyles, You Can Be an Adherence All-Star


SOURCE: thebody.com


Posted by Project NEON on July 2, 2015 10:59 AM

***Check out Dr. Dick's latest article on anal Paps***


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