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Project NEON: December 2009 Archives

Meth and the Brain: PBS Audio w/visual presentation

Posted by Project NEON on December 2, 2009 4:31 PM

By following the link you are accessing a PBS (Public Broadcasting System) audio slideshow of Richard A. Rawson, Ph.D Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles.

In this audio slideshow, Dr. Rawson explains how meth affects the brain's dopamine receptors, causing the intense pleasure associated with a meth rush and yet eventually making it impossible for the user to experience pleasure at all.

Four free H1N1 vaccine clinics for people at highest risk and who can't afford to pay

KING COUNTY, WA - Public Health is opening up four free H1N1 vaccine clinics, beginning Saturday, December 5, and again on Wednesday, December 9, as a way to provide access to people at highest risk for H1N1 influenza (swine flu) who cannot afford to pay. Future clinic dates will be scheduled as more vaccine becomes available.

"As more vaccine comes into the community, we're continuing to allocate limited amounts to people without insurance or who can't afford to pay," said Dr. David Fleming, Director and Health Officer for Public Health - Seattle & King County. "We encourage people to seek H1N1 vaccine through their health care providers or through pharmacies if they can afford the administrative cost or if insurance covers it."

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