Well, most of you have probably heard of Dear Abby… but you haven’t really lived until you have "met" Dr. Dick, Seattle’s guru of sexual health. Dr. Dick has had a regular column in AmphetaZINE for the past five years. His knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases, especially as they relate to crystal, transcends the boundaries of mortal man.

Here’s a sample of AmphetaZINE readers’ questions and Dr Dick’s educated and sometimes humorous responses. Unfortunately, Dr. Dick won’t be able to respond to each question sent to him… he is a very busy doctor after all. But please feel free to send your questions in to him – who knows, maybe your question will be featured in next AmphetaZINE!

If you have immediate needs or concerns regarding your sexual health, want to know where to get tested for HIV& STDs, or just want more information on safer sex go to our Sex Links section.

Here’s a listing of Dr. Dick questions and answers and the topic of each featured article.

JAIL SEX(Issue 55)
SCABIES (Issue 54)
MRSA (Issue 53)
Is Urine Okay?(Issue 50)
MDR HIV (Issue 49)
Safe and Sane Holidays (Issue 48)
Chlamydia. Isn't that a girl's disease? (Issue 47)
MRSA- What is it? (Issue 46)
WTF!- Is this herpes on my back? (Issue 45)
Cold Sores- Will they turn into genital herpes? (Issue 44)
Bumps on by Butt!- What are these things? (Issue 43)
Crystal and Breastfeeding- Will crystal affect my baby? (Issue 42)
I'm HIV Poz- Do I need to care about my health? (Issue 41)
Sex Clubs and STDs- Can I really pick up an STD at a sex club? (Issue 40)
Dr. Dick on Genital Herpes- Will I get HIV? (Issue 39)
Talking to your Doc- What should I tell my doctor? (Issue 38)
Dr. Dick on Enemas- Are Enemas Safe? (Issue 37)
Dr. Dick on T-cells- Does Crystal REV up your immune system? (Issue 35)
Dr. Dick on Gonorrhea- Gonorrhea is spreading in Seattle (Issue 34)
Dr. Dick on your Epididymis- More testicle health. (Issue 33)
Dr. Dick on Testicle Health- Your testicles may be worth $1 Million. (Issue 32)
Dr. Dick on Fisting- Sphincter Safety. (Issue 30 )
Dr. Dick on STD Symptoms- What you can't see. (Issue 29 )
Dr. Dick on Blow Jobs- Check that dick before you lick! (Issue 28 )
Dr. Dick on Crystal Dick- The Hard Facts. (Issue 27 )
Dr. Dick on Syphilis- How can I keep from getting it again? (Issue 26 )
Dr. Dick on Poppers- Are they harmful? (Issue 25 )
Scared Sick- Get the scoop on HIV testing and special HIV+ services (Issue 24)
I Like Licking Booty- Do the smell test. If it smells like shit, don't lick it. (Issue 23)

Dr. Dick Circles Your Anus – Some of the more common anal health problems among gay and bisexual guys. (Issue 22)

Too Embarrassed – Anal Pain & common STDs. (Issue 21)

Abnormally Abstinent – Am I sexually normal? (Issue 19)

Dizzy in Seattle – Poppers & Viagra: A dangerous combination.
(Issue 18)

Nervous Nelly – Getting an STD screening. (Issue 17)

Acted Rash-ly – STDs can increase your chances of "passing on" or "getting" HIV’. (Issue 16)

"Donnie" (not my real name) – Hepatitis C & Injection Drug Users. (Issue 15)

Syph-less in Seattle – Many guys with syphilis don’t know they have it. (Issue 14)

Itching to have sex again – How to get rid of Crabs (pubic lice). (Issue 13)

Butt Licker – Health hazards from rimming (licking butt). (Issue 10)

Info from Dr Dick about Chlamydia. (Issue 9)

Desperate – Urethra discharge, Which sexually transmitted diseases could it be? (Issue 7)

Marathon Man – Anal warts (HPV), an unrecognized epidemic among gay and bisexual men. (Issue 6)

Jerkoff – What every gay man should know about herpes. (Issue 5)

Willy J – Is there a type of gonorrhea that can’t be cured? (Issue 4)

Ben Dover – Sexually Transmitted Diseases & you (Issue 3)






a question now!

***Questions are gladly accepted but due to limited staffing, personalized responses are not possible.***

Hi, let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Dick, or if you prefer, the Dick Doctor. I'll be appearing in AmphetaZINE regularly from now on to talk about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) including HIV/AIDS and how they affect our health and lives. Think of me as a Dear Abby or Ann Landers, only my butt isn't as puckered. If you want to know how STDs will affect you if you are HIV positive–ask. If you want to know how STDs make it easier to get HIV–ask. If you are having sex and the condom breaks and you want to know whose job it is to look for the pieces–ask. This is your chance to ask anything you want about HIV, STDs, or sexual etiquette.










NEON is a program of Seattle Counseling Service. We provide information and services to gay and bisexual men who use methamphetamine to reduce health risks associated with use. Gay and bi men who use crystal are involved at all levels of our program, including Peer Education.

| 206-323-1768
We really appreciate your feedback and comments. We will consider all requests. Questions are gladly accepted but due to limited staffing, personalized responses are not possible.