and your Body
(for an illustrated version of this text, please
see your body)
The body reacts
to crystal meth the same way it reacts to danger. Crystal floods
the body with adrenaline--the same hormone that prepares it for
emergencies. Adrenaline gives a super-charge of strength and endurance
so the body can deal with danger and injury. The effects of crystal
are easier to understand if you think of them as the body's strategy
for self-defense.
The Brain
and the Nervous System
- To change
the way a person thinks, feels, and sees, crystal meth must first
pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
- When crystal
crosses the BBB, several brain chemicals called neurotransmitters
are released into the bloodstream.
- Neurotransmitters
send "emergency alert" messages to the heart, the digestive
system, the kidneys, the lungs and the glands that make the body's
The job of the
nervous system is to carry messages from your brain to the rest
of your body. When you use crystal, your nervous system shifts into
high gear. The brain floods your body with "danger" messages.
Your body responds immediately to what it thinks is a threat. It
prepares to fight or to run away. Common body responses to perceived
danger include:
- Pupils get
larger to let in more light.
- Hair stands
on end ("getting goose bumps").
- Blood vessels
just under the skin constrict.
- Body temperature
goes up
of regular, long-term crystal use
- Stores of
neurotransmitters get depleted.
- Paranoia
and anxiety become more frequent and last longer.
- Psychosis
develops from too much dopamine, norepinephrine and lack of sleep.
- Blocked blood
vessels within the brain can lead to increased chances of stroke
!! News
Recent research has shown that long-term meth use destroys nerve
cells in the brain that regulate dopamine, muscle movement,
memory, and decision-making. This damage can be wide-spread
and permanent |
Don't be confused. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is not a concrete
roadblock. It is a sleeve-like filter of tightly packed fat cells.
This "sleeve" lines the inside wall of the tiny blood
vessels (capillaries) that carry fresh blood to the brain.
- What does
the BBB do? Two of its most important functions are (1) to
protect the brain from germs, and (2) to act as the gateway to
the central nervous system. All psychoactive drugs (those that
change the way we think, feel and see) cross the BBB.
- What's
on the other side of the BBB? Millions of neurons (nerve cells).
Neurons produce, store up, and release neurotransmitters.
- What is
a neurotransmitter? Neurotransmitters are chemicals that allow
nerves in the brain and body to "talk" to each other.
Neurotransmitters carry messages from the brain out to the tissues,
glands and organs of the body. They also carry messages from the
body back to the brain.
For example, you have an itch on your knee. Your knee sends a
message to your brain. The brain sends a message to your hand
telling it to scratch the itch. Neurotransmitters carry these
messages. In a way, they unite the brain and the rest of the body
into one functioning unit.
- How does
crystal work?
Crystal looks and acts like a neurotransmitter. That's why neurons
absorb the drug. When nerve cells soak up crystal, the natural
neurotransmitters are pushed out and replaced. When these chemicals
get pushed out of the nerve cells, they are released into the
bloodstream. Once released, neurotransmitters start "talking"
to the rest of the body. We might say that crystal ups the volume
of the conversation from a whisper to a scream.
neurotransmitters play a big part in how crystal affects the mind
and body.
gives a sense of reward and pleasure. It is also associated with
body movement. Too little dopamine causes paralysis or a Parkinson's-like
tremors and rigidity. Too much dopamine and a person can become
paranoid, hear voices and get twisted thoughts. Sound familiar?
Serotonin is involved in sleep and sensory perception. It
plays a role in depression, sex and regulating body temperature.
Serotonin is involved with many emotional disorders like schizophrenia,
phobias, super-aggressive states and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
Too much serotonin can make it difficult (or impossible) to have
an orgasm.
Norepinephrine increases alertness and concentration. It
helps kill pain and regulates blood pressure. Basic instincts like
hunger, thirst and sex can be triggered by release of norepinephrine.
Too much norepinephrine contributes to crystal dick.
Dental and
Oral Health
Teeth and gums need blood to stay healthy. Crystal causes the vessels
that supply blood to oral tissues to shrink up.
- Reduced blood
supply causes tissues to break down.
- With repeated
shrinking, the blood vessels don't recover and tissues die.
- Crystal also
causes dry mouth. Saliva neutralizes acids in the mouth. Less
saliva means more acid. Acids eat away at the minerals in tooth
enamel and cause holes or weak spots that turn into cavities.
- Tooth decay
- Gum problems
- Bone loss
- Tooth loss
Oral Health
- Brush and
floss your teeth on a regular basis. Brushing and flossing get
rid of bacteria that feed on sugars in the mouth. When bacteria
eat sugars, they secrete acid. More acid means more tooth and
gum decay.
- Oral sex
is more risky when gums or teeth are not healthy. Bleeding gums,
sores, or loose teeth can create perfect openings for HIV to get
into your bloodstream. Other STDs like syphilis, gonorrhea, and
herpes can also be spread this way. Therefore, it's best to use
a condom when you give head.
System (Lungs)
Lungs transfer oxygen from the outside air to the bloodstream. Blood
carries oxygen to every cell and tissue in the body. Cells need
a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to make energy.
- Crystal relaxes
air passages and opens them up.
- This increases
the intake of oxygen so that the body can fight harder or run
- Materials
used to cut crystal can block blood vessels in the lungs.
- Long term
use can permanently reduce the amount of air the lungs can take
System - Heart _ Blood _ Veins _ Arteries
Arteries pump fresh blood, oxygen, nutrients, and drugs out from
the heart to the brain and body. After the fresh blood nourishes
the muscles and organs of the body, veins collect the "tired"
blood and carry it back to the heart. When crystal is injected into
a vein it travels to the heart. The heart pumps the blood (and drugs)
to other parts of the body through the system of arteries. The "rush"
and "high" begin when the drug reaches the brain. This
takes 15 - 30 seconds.
- The heart
beats faster and harder.
- Veins and
arteries constrict (get skinnier).
- Skinnier
veins and arteries reduce blood flow and increase blood pressure.
- The blood
clots more easily to stop bleeding. (Your body thinks it might
be hurt.)
- Heart beat
gets out of rhythm.
- High blood
pressure can lead to increased risk of heart attack.
- Germs (from
injecting) can infect the lining of the heart (endocarditis).
The liver is the body's largest internal organ. Along with the kidneys,
the liver clears the blood of drugs and poisons that might otherwise
build up in the body.
- The liver
breaks crystal down into simpler chemicals so they can be excreted.
Each time blood circulates through the liver, it breaks down more
of the drug.
- Crystal competes
with other drugs to get broken down in the liver.
- The liver
cannnot break down that overload of toxic substances that build
up in the bloodstream.
- This leads
to dangerous drug interactions and stimulant overdose.
- Overdose
can mean a sudden and dangerous increase in blood pressure causing
a severe lack of oxygen and blood to the brain.
- Body temperature
can go up to dangerous levels. Sweating (which cools the body
down) sometimes does not happen in stimulant overdose.
- User could
see spots (due to pressure on the nerves of eye) or pass out.
Chances of heart attact, stroke, or coma go up.
Healthy Liver
- Injectors
who share needles or works can also get hepatitis C, a serious
and chronic inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis C and cause liver
cancer and cirrhosis. Never share needles, cookers, water, or
The kidneys filter the blood and get rid of fluid wastes through
urine. Crystal is filtered by, then excreted through the kidneys.
Kidneys also balance the acid level in your body's fluids.
- Crystal constricts
blood vessels in the kidneys.
- With less
blood flow, the kidneys produce less urine. Toxic wastes get recycled
back into the bloodstream.
- When toxic
blood reaches the brain, you can get headaches and suffer confusion.
- Urine becomes
very concentrated and sits in the bladder. This can result in
bladder infections. Kidneys can get inflamed.
System (Stomach)
The digestive system breaks down nutrients into simpler chemicals.
The body uses these chemicals for energy and to build and repair
cells and tissues.
- Crystal slows
down or stops the movement of the digestive tract.
- This slows
the breakdown of food and nutrients.
- Appetite
and thirst decrease.
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Malnutrition,
anorexia, weight loss
- Cramping
- Dehydration,
dry mouth
When it comes to sex, crystal is a drug of contradictions. Some
men use crystal to boost their sex drive, prolong sex play and delay
orgasm. But many men also experience "crystal dick" (can't
keep a hard-on). For guys who do keep hard, the delay of orgasm
can last too long and become painful. The sexual effects of crystal
are probably related to the way hormones and neurotransmitters -
two types of body chemicals - interact with each other.
Generally speaking,
sexually charged images, thoughts and places cause the body to produce
sex hormones--chemicals that increase sexual arousal and excitement.
Crystal on the other hand, causes the release of neurotransmitters--nervous
system chemicals that boost energy and concentration. If a person
uses crystal in a sexually charged environment, neurotransmitters
combine with sex hormones to boost sexual arousal and performance.
But over the course of a high, levels of these chemicals shift and
change. The result is not always ideal. High levels of certain neurotransmitters
actually impede arousal and performance. The result is crystal dick
and delayed orgasm.
- Almost half
(47%) of gay or bisexual men in Washington State who inject crystal
have HIV or AIDS.
- Crystal dick
makes it more likely that a man will take the role of "bottom"
(receptive anal partner). The bottom is at higher risk for HIV,
other viral infections, bacterial infections and tissue damage.
That's why condoms are recommended for anal sex.
- Through prolonged
sexual activity, tissues of the penis, anus and throat can get
damaged. If damaged tissue is exposed to blood or semen, it's
much easier for HIV or other harmful organisms to enter the body.
- Some men
become dependent on crystal and can no longer have sex without
- In spite
of having "hot sex" while using crystal, many men end
up feeling socially isolated, disconnected, distrustful and empty.