If you inject,
you know how important healthy veins are. But crystal meth can actually
change and cause serious damage to your veins. Here's how:
Crystal meth
causes veins to tighten and shrink. So do tobacco, cocaine,
soda pop, chocolate, coffee, and black tea. Each of these substances
contains stimulants that send your body into action mode. Because
your heart has to work harder, your veins actively shrink to squeeze
more blood towards the heart.
When veins shrink,
they are harder to find, stick, and inject. This could lead to misses,
vein damage, and abscesses. Smaller veins also restrict blood flow
and increase blood pressure.
Crystal meth
is a toxic chemical. It can burn and eat away at delicate vein tissue.
With frequent injection, vein tissue becomes inflamed and breaks
down. This can cause scarring, abscesses, and collapsed veins. The
chemicals in crystal meth can also make abscesses worse if you skin
pop or have a miss.
Tips for
Happier, Healthier Veins
- The best
way to protect your veins is to stop injecting crystal. If this
is not a realistic option for you, try cutting back on your injection
use. Give your veins extended breaks from those toxic chemicals
and frequent puncture damage. Your veins will be sure to last
longer that way.
- Good hydration
is essential! Water is your best friend when it comes to veins!
Drink at least 8 glasses each day. Fruit juice (100% juice, not
juice "drinks") and sports drinks like Gatorade are
also good choices.
- Drink less
coffee, caffeinated soda, and alcohol these make your body
lose more fluid than it takes in.
- Cut down
on cigarettes, especially 1-2 hours before getting high. Nicotine
shrinks veins.
When getting
Before you inject, try to make your veins expand as much as possible.
When veins expand, or dilate, they are more visible. Veins
you can see are easier and safer to hit. Dilated veins also allow
more blood to flow, so your rush may feel smoother.
Remember . .
. if you are already high, your veins will be smaller than when
you first shot up. So getting a good hit when you're already tweaked
is going to be more difficult than your first hit.
So, before
you inject Pump Up Those Veins!!
- Use a tourniquet.
If you don't have a rubber tourniquet, use a clean bandanna, necktie,
or belt.
- Take a hot
shower. Or place a hot, wet washcloth on the injection area for
5-10 minutes. The temperature increase will help your veins expand
and rise to the surface.
- Swing your
arm around like a propeller.
- Do some push-ups.
This is quick and really works!
Other vein care
- Rotate
your injection sites. Each time you shoot up, move at least
one inch from your previous hit. Better yet, move to a different
site altogether. Sticking to your favorite "know-how-to-hit"
spot is a sure way to cause that vein to scar or collapse.
- Clean your
injection area thoroughly with hot water and soap. Then
wipe the site with a fresh alcohol pad. A good wash with soap
followed by an alcohol pad will cut down on bacteria that can
lead to abscesses, endocarditis, and other infections.
Some of
my veins are already damaged - will they heal?
They can, if you give them a chance. First, stop injecting into
damaged veins to avoid any more puncture trauma. You also want to
give surrounding tissues a rest. You may be able to speed the healing
process by rubbing Vitamin E oil or aloe vera gel on the damaged
site each day. Many users swear by this, although it requires daily
attention and a little patience.
Vein or abscess
problems? Visit the medical clinic at the downtown needle exchange.
Open M-F, 1:30-4:30pm. Walk-ins welcome.