does crystal contribute to anxiety? Anxiety
usually means feeling intense worry, fear, stress or
irritability. Some people also have physical symptoms
like trembling, heart palpitations, headaches, nausea,
or muscle tension. There are two ways crystal can contribute
to anxiety.
crystal depletes the chemicals in your brain
that help stabilize your mood. At the same time, crystal
increases the chemicals that bolster alertness,
vigilance, and response. So this imbalance between calm
and tension can certainly lead to anxiety.
using any drug on a regular basis can create a lot of
stress in your life. Problems with money, relationships,
jobs, housing, legal situations, and physical health
all are common results of drug use. If you are experiencing
more problems or stress in your life, this may be a
sign that your use is getting out of control.
moods are like a rollercoaster lately. Whats going
on? Could be a lot of things more
life stress, changes in brain chemistry, lack of regular
sleep or proper nutrition, etc. All of these things
can greatly affect your moods. It is common for crystal
users to feel like emotional yo-yos. In fact, irregular
mood patterns are common among most drug users. This
is especially true even after you quit using and stay
abstinent for a while. Mood swings can be a sign that
your brain is trying to balance its own chemistry again
by itself and without drugs. Its a normal
part of the recovery process.
can I do about mood swings? First of
all, getting high again to fix the problem will only
continue the problem. Instead, look at your physical
health. Are you getting enough sleep and eating enough
nutritious foods? Eating lots of sugar or drinking lots
of caffeine will also create highs and lows! Regular
sleep is critical!
look at your use patterns. Is your use increasing or
causing more stress or conflict in your life? Where
can you build more balance into your life? If you cant
cut down or quit using for a while, can you reduce
some stress in your life?
cant I seem to control my anger anymore?
Again, there can be many reasons. One of those reasons
could be a drug habit thats getting out of control.
Or a stack of life problems that just keeps growing.
No matter what the reason, uncontrollable anger is a
dangerous concern. It can lead to you seriously harming
yourself or others around you. And you could even land
into criminal or legal trouble. So before your anger
gets too out of control, seek help. Talk with a drug
or mental health counselor. Talk with friends, family
anyone you trust to give you honest feedback
or guidance.