There is a definite connection between the use of crystal and an increased chance of having HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Local studies in Seattle & King County have shown that almost half (47%) of gay and bisexual guys who inject crystal are HIV positive (RAVEN, 2001).

Our intention in sharing this information is not to scare you. We know that "scare tactics" aren’t going to keep you safer sexually. Only you and your sexual partners can make that decision. NEON lovingly encourages you to seek out sexual fun in ways that will keep you and your partners healthy, happy, and free from STDs.


Here are some NEON sex tips that might help keep you sexually safer



Unfortunately, little research has been done on guys who snort, smoke, or booty-bump crystal.

Still, based on NEON’s experience and the work with gay and bisexual guys who use crystal but don’t inject, the risk of becoming HIV positive is greater for guys who use crystal when compared with guys who don’t.

The potential for getting HIV or an STD infection is less related to sharing injection equipment and more related to having unprotected anal sex and other sexually risky activities.

Do you have sex with more than one partner?
Then, get tested for ALL STDs every three to six months.
This is the best way to make sure that you can continue to have a healthy and happy sex life.

Want to find out where to get HIV & STD testing?

Email the HIV/AIDS program at

Call the HIV/STD hotline (206) 205 7837. Ask about any of your sexual health concerns. They can also hook you up with places to go for free or low-cost HIV and STD testing in Seattle & King County. And remember to tell ’em that NEON sent you.


If you think that we have left something out, please drop us an email and let us know.

We really appreciate your feedback and comments. We will consider all requests.

Questions are gladly accepted but due to limited staffing, personalized responses are not possible.


NEON is a program of Seattle Counseling Service. We provide information and services to gay and bisexual men who use methamphetamine to reduce health risks associated with use. Gay and bi men who use crystal are involved at all levels of our program, including Peer Education.

| 206-323-1768
We really appreciate your feedback and comments. We will consider all requests. Questions are gladly accepted but due to limited staffing, personalized responses are not possible.