Where does your money go?
Many people have no idea. Pocket cash can be a big problem if you tend to throw it around without too much thought. For example, if you buy a $3 latté twice a day, by the end of the month you’ve spent $180!! How many quarters could that buy? Would that cover your phone bill?

Here are some tips for handling cash.

  • Use direct deposit. Cut up your ATM card or put up account access limits (ask your bank about options).
  • Watch those nasty credit cards!
  • Buy essentials (groceries, toiletries, etc.) before you head to your dealer. Make a habit of going directly from the bank to the grocery store!

If saving enough rent money by the end of the month is hard, can you pay your landlord a little each week or twice a month?

What other bills can you pay in parts?

Pay attention to how much you spend. Coffee, cigarettes, food, movie tickets, bathhouse fees, bar cover, alcohol, and drugs can really add up fast!

How often do other people rip you off? Does your deadbeat roommate run up your phone bill? Did last night's trick steal your CDs or money from your wallet? Do you trust other users to buy drugs with your money... never to see the drugs or these people again? Be careful who you trust! 

>>What am I doing wrong?