Crystal and the rest of your life

When it comes to crystal, there is no free party. You have to pay somehow. That price might be a one-day crash, less spending money, or feeling bad about the sex you had the night before. It’s important to see how your use impacts other parts of your life. How willing are you to accept these consequences? Is it OK that your electric bill didn’t get paid last month? Is it OK that you missed your appointment with your case manager?

Take a moment to think about how crystal use is affecting your:

Are your bills paid? Do you have money for food?
Physical health
Do you have abscesses? Are you forgetting your HIV meds?
Mental health
Is your paranoia getting worse? How do you feel about yourself?
Personal relationships
Are you losing friends or having more arguments?
Are you missing work, showing up late or not performing well?
Legal problems
Have you been arrested? Are you skipping P.O. appointments to avoid drug tests?

Sexual risk taking
Are you fucking without condoms or feeling shame about your sexual behavior?