12-Step Groups (AA/NA) Widely available, peer-run groups
focusing on spiritual aspects of addiction and the use of "sponsors"
as recovery mentors. Some crystal users dont feel real connected
to the largely alcoholic crowd and prefer Narcotics Anonymous.
Others find NA too triggering. Every group has a different "feel"
so shop around. Lots of gay-specific groups on Capitol Hill.
Rational Recovery Members believe that addiction
is a result of dysfunctional thought patterns and belief systems
(change your thinking, change your behavior). Some users like
the non-spiritual approach, but many find the meetings are too
focused on "AA bashing" rather than recovery.
Crystal Meth Support Group at Seattle Counseling
This drop-in group is open to anyone who wants to quit or stay
off crystal. A safe place to talk about life, with and without
crystal, among people who really understand. This is NOT a 12-step
group, but more like a "chat group."
Talk, socialize
and get support from other men who are making positive changes
in their lives.
Every Tuesday,
6:00 7:30 p.m. at Seattle
Counseling Service.