NEON is a program of Seattle Counseling Service
(Click on the brochure on the right to download an 800kb pdf)

NEON’s goals are to:
Raise awareness about the links between crystal use and HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and other health concerns.

  • Provide accurate and truthful information about how crystal affects the body and mind.
  • Provide options for reducing sexual and drug using risks associated with crystal.
  • Provide options for managing or stopping crystal use.

NEON’s philosophies are rooted in the concept of harm reduction and the belief that all individuals are capable of making life-enhancing decisions, regardless of their drug use. Therefore, we support informed choice based on accurate and truthful education.

NEON sponsors a range of activities that provide education and support for all gay/bisexual men who use crystal – from those who are actively using to those who want to cut down or quit.

Our program includes:

Peer Education
Peer educators are current and/or former crystal users trained to provide education about safer sex and safer injection practices to other users in their communities.

Through their existing drug networks, peer educators:

  • Conduct safer sex and safer injection education
  • Distribute condoms, lube, educational Brochures, and clean injection equipment
  • Conduct one-for-one needle exchange
  • Provide referrals for social services, health care, HIV/STD testing, and drug treatment/counseling


Educational Media
Our print media includes frequent poster campaigns, a series of health brochures called "Hot Health Tips" and a quarterly zine called "AmphetaZINE" produced by Seattle Counseling. We distribute our media through peer educators, staff, needle exchange, and in brochure racks placed in a number of Capitol Hill bars, clinics, businesses, and agencies.
Speed, Sex & Sanity
SCS with its collaboration with Gay City Health Project beginning in 2006, offers a weekly health resource night - Speed, Sex & Sanity on Wednesday evenings for HIV/STD testing, trainings & workshops and art exhibits & film features. There’s something special for everyone!
Individual Counseling/Case Management
Our staff at Seattle Counseling provides individual counseling on personal drug use issues, addresses individual HIV/health concerns, and assists clients in accessing financial, housing, medical and mental health care services. These services are FREE and clients do not have to quit or even want to quit to get help.
Crystal Meth Support Group at Seattle Counseling
This drop-in group is open to anyone who wants to cut down, quit or stay off crystal. A safe place to talk about life, with and without crystal, among people who really understand. This is NOT a 12-step group, but more like a "chat group."
Crystal Recovery Group
This twelve week group is open to anyone who wants to quit and stay off crystal. Members meet twice weekly for education and motivational group support around relapse, coping skills, handling triggers, sex, and developing new personal and social identities. The group is FREE.

NEON is a program of Seattle Counseling Service. We provide information and services to gay and bisexual men who use methamphetamine to reduce health risks associated with use. Gay and bi men who use crystal are involved at all levels of our program, including Peer Education.

| 206-323-1768
We really appreciate your feedback and comments. We will consider all requests. Questions are gladly accepted but due to limited staffing, personalized responses are not possible.