HIV+ Resource Links - Services, Resources, & Information

Sex Links
Take a look at NEON's own Sex Links & Sexy Sex Tips.

Got a burning question? Consult AmphetaZINE's guru of sexual health, Dr. Dick.

Get vaccinated for hepatitis A & B. Some places offer free or low cost vaccines. Call (206) 205 STDS (7837) or click the icon at the right.

HIV & STD Testing. Do you have more than one sex partner? Then get tested for all STDs every 3 to 6 months. Call (206) 205 STDS (7837)

Questions about HIV or STDS? Want to talk to someone about unprotected sex? Need a doctor who specializes in HIV? Call (206) 205 STDS (7837) or send them an email

Are you a barebacker? You can still reduce your health risks! Click the dick for some Safer Barebacking Considerations by Michael Scarce.

Local Links:

HIV/AIDS Program, Public Health - Seattle & King County
A comprehensive website containing HIV & STD information & resources.

One on One: An Anonymous and Free Program for those Newly Diagnosed HIV+
Offers a complete medical evaluation, CD4 count, viral load, STD screening and treatment, in-depth info about HIV, emotional support, and referrals to a good doctors. Call the HIV/STD Hotline at (206) 205-7837 or 1-800-678-1595.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Health Pages, Public Health - Seattle & King County
Information & resources addressing the health concerns of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.

Seattle Treatment Education Project
HIV treatment information for those infected with HIV or at risk of HIV infection.

Other Great Links:

Toronto General Hospital, The Immunodeficiency Clinic
Look for the drug interaction tables under the section Medical Information for Health Care Professionals. This is a great resource to print out and take with you on your next doctor's visit.

Camden & Islington Health Promotion Service
Materials for gay and bisexual men about party drugs & harm reduction strategies.

Project Inform
Information, Inspiration and Advocacy for People with HIV/AIDS. Includes information on HIV and party drug interactions.

Project GHB
This website educates about the health hazards of GHB overdose.

Please let us know if any of our resource links are not working-- send

NEON is a program of Seattle Counseling Service. We provide information and services to gay and bisexual men who use methamphetamine to reduce health risks associated with use. Gay and bi men who use crystal are involved at all levels of our program, including Peer Education.

| 206-323-1768
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