you ever have the feeling
There's a cootie in your bootie?
Or an awful, itchy Oozey
Up your little ol' Wazoozey?
Oh those Chancres on your Wankers
Are they Slurpy? Is it Herpes?
Anal discharge? Rectal bleeding?
Say! It's Penicillin you'll be needing! |
Bump in Rump
Gus gots Pus
Upside down Tricks
Downside up Dicks
Yick, Gus, Yick
Think Latex, QUICK!!!
I do not like That
Do you like green dicks and ass?
I do not like them,
I do not like green dicks and ass.
Would you? Could you? In the dark?
Lick them? Suck them? In Volunteer Park?
I would not, could not at the park.
With all that bark. Or in the dark
With Marky Mark.
I do not like them in a tree.
I do not like them at Club Z.
I do not care how High I am.
I will not have them with peach jam.
I will not have them Near this Rear!
Green dicks and ass I will not kiss.
do not like
One Dick
Two Dick
Red Dick
Goo Dick
This one has a little sore.
This one has at least three more.
Say! What a lot of sores there are!
From there to here
From here to there
These pesky sores are everywhere.
Before you Cluck
Before you Suck
Put latex on
Before you Fuck!