Crystal and Breastfeeding - Dr. Dick

Crystal and Breastfeeding

Dear Dr. Dick,
I am a bi- guy who's got a girlfriend. We have a baby together. She breastfeeds her baby. We still use. Will our baby get high from breastfeeding?
--Concerned Bi-dad

Dear Concerned Bi-dad,
First, congratulations on your baby!

I'm glad you asked this question. It is very important that you and your girlfriend understand that continued crystal use by your girlfriend while she is breastfeeding could seriously endanger your baby. There are several deaths documented from meth among infants whose only potential source of exposure was through breast feeding.

I highly recommend that she stop breastfeeding your baby. The baby (whose tolerance for drugs is much less than an adult's would be) can easily overdose on crystal meth through the breast milk. Or very easily grow up with negative effects later in life. Your baby's ability to process information and communicate can be impaired, and have developmental delays. Also,depending on how the drug is produced, it can have other harmful ingredients not only to the baby, but the mother as well. Some babies have developed wounds on their bottoms because of the chemicals in their feces.

But your girlfriend does have options:

  • She can stop using meth and after stopping for at least a couple days resume breastfeeding the baby.
  • She can learn how to pump breast milk while she is drug-free and store it for later use.
  • She can use infant formula.
If she must breast feed, know that crystal meth stays in breast milk for 24 hours. Remember that breast milk is generally best for your baby. It may protect the baby from diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, and as simple as allergies.

Watch out for withdrawal which your baby might show through behaviors like screaming, throwing up and shaking.

Find a pediatrician who will understand and respect your situation, and can care for your baby the best way possible.

Ask friends, they may already have one that you and your girlfriend will like.

Best wishes,
Dr. Dick

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