Anal Fissure - Dr. Dick

Anal Fissure

Pride & My Ass

Dear Dr. Dick,

If this Pride season is anything like the last one - my ass is going to be very busy housing bursting buldges - literally! Last year, amidst all my safety tactics I still managed to get an anal fissure! While it has healed considerably since then, I am worried I might not be doing enough to have an exciting, safer and healthy pride season!

Robbie Rumpsworth!

Dear Robbie Rumpsworth,

I am glad to hear your anal fissure has healed considerably! For those readers who have not heard that term before, an anal fissure is a tear in the skin of anal canal. Most anal fissures are caused by severe stretching of the anal lining. Symptoms of an anal fissure include bright red bleeding from the anus, most noticeable on the toilet tissue or on the toilet.

Striking pain and/or consistent discomfort during anal sex should be a strong indication to inspect your ass hole. Or better yet, since someone has to be very flexible to really examine their own ass, go visit a doctor or knowledgeable health care provider and let them examine you carefully. If you plan on taking multiple dicks with lots of girth or even getting fisted -it is recommended that you do some anal prepping on your own. Get a butt plug or even use your own fingers and water-based lube to safely stretch your hole before the main event!

Given that a fissure is a tear in the anal skin, and that that provides ready access to your blood, you are at increased risk of acquiring infection by bacteria and/or virus' such as HIV, Syphilis, or Gonorrhea -if one of your partners is so infected, of course. And any partners who have direct access to your blood may more easily acquire a blood-borne infection, like HIV or hepatitis B or C, from you if you've already become infected.

Remember the old adage: Healthy pink parts contribute to a healthy sex life! So, stock up on water-based lube and condoms of all sizes, colors and feels for those bursting buldges! And, don't have too much fun, unless you're being very careful with yourself and with your partner(s).

Dr. Dick


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