Bite me!
Dear Dr Dick,
Once again I have a couple small red spots on my body that look like insect bites. I had something similar a couple of months ago, but I think those were abscesses.
I don't have health insurance so can not see a doctor about it. I the meantime, am I exposing my sex partners to anything serious?
Bitten, smitten but not forgittin' in Seattle
Dear Bitten, smitten but not forgittin' in Seattle
Thank you for your question!
To start an abscess is a pocket of pus. Pus means you have an infection. Pus is made of dead tissue, germs (bacteria), and white blood cells. An abscess usually appears as a hard, reddish, tender and painful lump, usually at the injection site, but it can also pop up in other places.
There are of course many different insects whose bits range from harmless to extremely dangerous. It is important to remember that winter is bed bug season, if they look like insect bites they could be a sign of bed bugs. Bed Bugs are small, elusive, and parasitic insects. They live strictly by feeding on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. The name 'bed bug' is derived from the insect's preferred habitat infesting houses and especially beds or other common areas where people may sleep. Bedbugs, though not strictly nocturnal, are mainly active at night and are capable of feeding unnoticed on their hosts.
Of course, the only way to be sure is to be seen by a medical professional. You can also periodically inspect your sleeping area for bed bugs. It is a good idea to refrain from having sexual contact until you get to the bottom (no pun intended) of what these spots are.
The STD clinic at 9th and Jefferson is a great resource for men who have sex with men.
Dr. Dick
Here's a helpful link from Public Health about bed bugs:
And if health insurance is an issue, here's a couple of helpful links: