Dr. Dick on testicle health: Epididymitis
It's 10:00. Do you know where YOUR epididymis is?
Welcome to the second half of our talk about testicle health. Yes, each of you has an epididymis (ep-i-DID-i-mis) - in fact two! They are the coiled mass of tubes that drape over the back of each testicle. This is where young sperm grow and mature for several months before their Big Curtain Call!
When these tubes get infected, that's called epididymitis
(ep-i-did-i-MY-tis). It can easily spread down through your balls and turn your scrotum red. Sometimes, an abscess can even develop in your scrotum that needs to be surgically drained (YIKES!!).
What causes epididymitis?
For younger guys, the usual cause is an untreated STD, often chlamydia or gonorrhea. For older men, bladder or prostate infections are more common causes. (Although older guys can and do get STDs too). Epididymitis can also develop days to weeks after untreated urethritis (infection in your pee tube). And it's easy to have urethritis and not
even know it!
Symptoms of epididymitis include:
- Fever
- Swelling or discharge from your dick
- Tenderness, pain, or heaviness behind your balls
What can you do?
- Protect yourself against STDS. Condoms are handy like that!
- Get tested every 3-6 months for STDs, even if you don't see symptoms.
- Watch for signs of urethritis: pain when you pee or a yellow-green discharge from your penis. Get treated right away!
Call the doctor! Quick!
Warm soaks and pain medication may help ease your symptoms. But you still need to get rid of the infection. If you see your doctor early, oral antibiotics will usually be enough. Make sure you take your entire course of antibiotics-even if you think the problem has gone away! See your doctor early before you need more serious treatment or surgery!
Your epididymis needs your love, even if you can't pronounce it!
Until next time, Dick