Grievous Bodily Harm?
Dr. Dick,
My gorgeous Seattle hunk wants to introduce me to GHB. I think I'll try it, but first I want to know what I'm getting myself into.
Dear Curious,
Thank you for bringing up this hot topic. GHB can indeed cause Grievous Bodily Harm--so it's great that you're asking questions before you try it. Here's some basic info that you should know about the drug:
GHB is a nervous system depressant, so it slows down brain activity. People use GHB for the calming side effects it can create when it's taken in lower doses--such as euphoria (a feeling of ecstasy or extreme joy), reduced anxiety, and drowsiness. Some also say it makes you want to mount every hottie you see. This might sound great to some guys. Only thing is, no matter the size dose you take, GHB can be downright hazardous. Even a small amount can cause dangerous side-effects or lead to overdose.
GHB affects every person differently, and no two trips are ever the same. After use, some people have withdrawal effects like insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and sweating. When you take a bigger dose or add alcohol or crystal to the mix, things can get even more hairy. Higher doses can lead to sleep, coma, or death. You might have hallucinations, slurred speech, headaches, amnesia (memory loss), and a hard time thinking clearly. *This makes the drug perfect for someone to take advantage of you, whether it's sexually, emotionally, monetarily, etc.
Now, down to the nitty gritty. Other names for GHB are Grievous Bodily Harm, Georgia Home Boy, Liquid Ecstasy, Goop, Liquid X, G, Scoop, & Easy Lay ( to name a few). GHB is sold as a liquid (usually packaged in small vials or water bottles); or in tablets, white powder, or capsules. It can be snorted, smoked, or mixed into drinks. In liquid form GHB has no color or smell, and for that reason it's sometimes used as a date rape drug. GHB has a salty taste which people mask by diluting with liquids (like alcohol, juice, or water).
So, what does this mean for you? If you're partying and decide to try GHB, there are things you can do to stay safer. Here are some harm reduction tips to keep in mind:
Let a friend know where you'll be, and who you'll be with. Pick a time to check-in with each other. Definitely don't use alone, because you could pass out or stop breathing altogether.
GHB + alcohol = not-so-fun side effects. You might throw up, have a hard time breathing, and lose muscle control (not a good thing when you're trying to cut a rug on the dance floor).
Don't accept a drink if you didn't see it made, or aren't sure of the contents. It sounds cliché, but try not to set your drink down; GHB is easy to slip into the drink of an unsuspecting cutie. Remember, GHB has no color or smell--so you can't tell by looking at your vodka cran if you're safe.
Like crystal, GHB can lead to riskier sex (not using condoms, having anonymous partners, using not-so-safe lube like Vaseline, etc.). Get tested every 2-3 months, or as recommended by your medical provider.
Have condoms, dams, and lube on hand. Ever tried an insertive condom? You can put one in eight hours before sex. That way you'll be covered when you're in the heat of the moment.
If you think you've been date raped, seek medical care immediately. Date rape is a crime. Remember, no one EVER asks to be sexually assaulted or taken advantage of. Click for more Date Rape Info.
GHB overdose can mean unconsciousness, slowed heart rate & breathing, vomiting, coma, seizures, and death. Currently, there is no antidote for GHB-overdose. If you think someone has overdosed on GHB, call 911 immediately. Don't let the person "sleep it off." Keep them as alert and awake as possible, and stay with them until help arrives.
I hope this helps. Take care of yourself, and each other!
-Dr. Dick