Keep your Frenemies close & your Enemas closer
Dear Dr. Dick,
I recently met the man of my dreams, and it's been quite a ride. Everything's going well between us--except that lately I've been feeling really constipated, and it's cramping my style. I've heard some of my friends talk about using enemas, but the thought leaves me feeling they work? Help!
Stopped Up
Dear Stopped Up,
I'm sorry to hear that you're clenched. Now that you're in love, your fitness and nutrition habits might have gone out the window. Everyone gets constipated at some point in their lives, and it's downright annoying. Constipation means that you're having fewer bowel movements than you usually have. Symptoms include hard, dry bowel movements; having to strain when you poop; and feeling bloated.
Men use enemas (also called "anal douches") for several reasons--to help them have a bowel movement, and to clean out the lower part of their gut before anal sex. I've heard several guys say they won't have anal sex without first using an enema, to avoid "shit dick." An enema involves inserting liquid into the gut through the anus. Water is often used, but sometimes other substances are added. The volume of liquid causes the lower intestinal tract to expand, and often causes bloating, cramping, a strong urge to poop, and finally, a bowel movement.
You could be constipated for several reasons:
1) You're not eating enough fiber
2) You might not be exercising enough to get things moving
3) You're eating too many high-fat foods
4) You may be taking a medication that causes constipation
5) You might be dehydrated
Constipation is usually easy to fix, and there are several more "natural" ways to get regular. I don't recommend enemas and here's why:
1) Your gut naturally cleans itself out--especially when you eat a diet high in fiber. Enemas just aren't necessary!
2) Enemas can irritate the skin and lining of your anus, which increases your chance of getting or spreading HIV and other STDs. The tissue around your hole is thin and delicate, and you could easily tear it by using an enema.
When you need to clean out your gutter, try the following:
1) Eat more fiber! Aim for 20-35 grams of fiber per day. Foods with lots of fiber include whole grains, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. If you visit, you can enter the foods you eat each day in a tracker, and find out how many grams of fiber and other nutrients you're eating. It's a great way to track your diet in general.
Try to replace some refined grains with whole grains. Refined grains are found in products like cakes, cookies, white bread, and pizza. Refined grains have little fiber and won't help move things along. Whole grains include foods like oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice. Eating more whole grains is as easy as asking for brown rice instead of white when you go out for dinner.
Other foods with little to no fiber that can make you more constipated are: ice cream, cheese, meat, and processed foods.
2) Take a walk. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. This could be a brisk � hour walk every day during the week. You can also break it up into 10-minute sessions, 3 times a day. Couples who work out together stay together!
3) Stay hydrated. Water is your best friend. Juice is the next best option. Water adds fluid to your gut and bulk to your bowel movements, which makes them softer and easier to pass.
Drinks with alcohol will dehydrate you. Follow them up with plenty of water!
Constipation can also be a side effect of some medications. If you're taking a medication that you think might be causing constipation, talk to your doctor. If you feel like you absolutely must use an enema to clean yourself out, I recommend using warm water only. If you have concerns about your constipation, or if it doesn't get better, definitely visit your doctor. I hope this helps get things moving!
Dr. Dick