Scabies - Dr. Dick


Dear Dr. Dick,
With the sun comin' out - I thought I should get myself a new buddy: a new pet and a fuck buddy for the summer. I like walkin' the dog, and fuckin' my bud. Thought I was bein' safe - but now I have scabies! I don't know which bitch I got it from. What's an urban bunny to do?
Urban Bunny Princess

Dear Urban Bunny Princess, Dogs [and cats] are infected by different types of mites than those which infect humans. So, you got it from the other bitch, as you put it. Scabies is one of the more common infections, because it is easily passed on through skin contact between men [or person to person], not men and dogs [although men can be dogs!]. Most men, once they found out they are infected, treat themselves at home or their doctor treats them. The mites can't be seen.

Itching can be so mild that you don't realize you have scabies, it's good now that you know, so you can better take care of yourself.

Your fuck buddy could have given it to you either or both of these ways:

  • through body contact during sex.
  • through sharing clothes, towels and bedding (but this is unlikely).

Now that you know for sure that you have scabies: There's no way to stop infection but this will stop it from spreading to others:

  • Get treated if you know you've had sex with or shared a bed, towels, clothing or bedding with someone with scabies.
  • Any and all shared clothing, bedding and towels should be washed on a hot wash.
  • And if you're into BDSM, leather clothing can be dry cleaned.

Here are some useful signs and symptoms that you may have scabies:

  • For some people the itching can be intense, usually starting two to six weeks after infection.
  • The mites burrowing under the skin can leave red lines, especially between fingers and around wrists.
  • Mites can also be found on your feet, buttocks, stomach, ass, cock and balls.

Here are some more helpful hints to take care of yourself:

  • Lotions are available for scabies through a pharmacy. Several lotions are available to treat scabies. Always follow the directions provided by your physician or the directions on the package insert.
  • You spread the lotion over your whole body, including palms of your hands, soles of your feet and between fingers and toes - but not your face or head.
  • You leave it on for 24 hours. Even when the treatment works you may still itch for several weeks.
  • If after two weeks you still itch, call your doctor or pharmacist for advise .
  • Only repeat the treatment if a doctor tells you to, as too much lotion can irritate your skin.

No one is immune to scabies. If you had them before you can get them again.

-Dr. Dick

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