Talking with your Doc: What to tell your doctor about your Crystal use. - Dr. Dick

Talking with your Doc: What to tell your doctor about your Crystal use.

Dear Dr. Dick,
I'm Poz. Should I tell my doc about my crystal use and how?
- Concerned Chris

Yes, always be honest about crystal use. There are a lot of health problems you can have as a result of crystal, HIV, or both. If your doctor doesn't know about your use of crystal, you might not get the right diagnosis or treatment. Also, some HIV meds don't mix well with crystal. And using crystal can increase your viral load. Especially, if you are skipping meds while high.


Let's face it, crystal isn't healthy.

Doctors wish you wouldn't use it. But some doctors are more accepting than others. Most drug users are afraid of being judged or preached to. But give your doctor a try.


-Find a doctor by asking other users. If they like their doctor, you might too. & Start by asking, "Can I be honest with you about something?" This shows you are sincere and willing to talk. Even if you feel uncomfortable.

-TELL THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. Why bring it up at all if you can't tell the whole story?

-If you don't want to be treated like a psycho tweaker or junkie, don't act like one!

  • Don't focus too much on getting pills to fix your problems.
  • Don't beg for 'painkillers' just to sell or trade for crystal.
  • Show up for appointments on time.
  • Be respectful and don't show attitude.
  • Crystal can be a harmful drug. Don't pretend it isn't.

If your doctor doesn't return your respect and honesty, GET A NEW ONE! There are lots of really supportive, caring doctors out there, just like ME!

You love me, you really love me!
Dr. Dick

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