Dear Dr. Dick, his profile says he's negative... - Dr. Dick

Dear Dr. Dick, his profile says he's negative...

Dear Dr Dick,

Like so many other gay and bisexual men in Seattle I spend a great deal of time online looking for hookups. It seems that is where all the HOT guys hang out. When I hookup with guys from websites I practice safe sex. However, recently I met two guys online that I'm considering barebacking with. That's cool if all parties involved are HIV negative right? Both of the guys have posted the following statement in their online profiles: "HIV NEG as of November 2011."

So here's my question: is it safe to bareback with them?
Hooked on the Man Hunt

Dear Hooked on the Man Hunt,

Thank you for your question!

The short answer is, no, barebacking (intentional unprotected anal sex) is a very risky sexual practice. Barebacking can easily transmit HIV, along with several other sexually transmitted infections. These potential partners say they are HIV-negative but they were negative as of a year ago, so consider these facts:

In 2010, men who have sex with men accounted for 78% of all new HIV cases among males in the US, and 63% of all new infections in the US. Other studies have shown that recently HIV-infected guys are the most infectious, because they have very high levels of virus in their blood and semen in the first few months after being infected--before their bodies have brought the infection under some control.

Knowing your own and your partner's HIV status is an important part of maintaining one's overall health. However, just because one advertises their year-old HIV status in an online profile or in person does not necessarily mean it is accurate, and frankly you are probably taking a big chance.

Additionally, someone who is HIV negative can have another sexually transmitted infection (STI) present. Anal, oral (including rimming), and vaginal sex can spread infections such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes. Using barriers for all types of sex can make getting-it-on a whole lot safer.

Be sure to talk more about this with your partners and even your doctor to settle on a decision that works best for all parties.


Dr. Dick

updated and reposted 1/13/14

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