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Ass Backwards

Dear Dr. Dick,

The other day I sat down to go #2, and felt something nasty on the toilet seat. Naturally, I got a little freaked out and scrubbed my ass with antibacterial soap. Dr. D, could I have caught an oozy STI from one of my roommates? WTF?

Mr. Clean

Dear Mr. Clean,

Getting an STI from a toilet seat is VERY UNLIKELY, because STI bugs don't live long outside the toasty human body. You would have to try very hard to make this happen, and even then, your risk would still be small.

To get an STI from a toilet seat, you'd have to:

+ Put your dick directly onto the toilet seat immediately after someone gets up, in the exact location where they left a puddle of genital fluid or blood. Does this sound like something you'd do?
+ Sit down on a toilet immediately after a person leaves a sufficient quantity of blood on the toilet seat, and you have a cut or sore that you aim right onto the blood. HIV dies when it comes in contact with air--living at most for about 30 seconds outside the body.

Herpes is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact. Although herpes blisters can appear on the butt or thigh, the virus dies quickly when it's out of the body. Thus, it would be difficult to get from a toilet seat.

While it is technically possible, it is very difficult to catch public lice/crabs from a toilet seat. These bugs don't live long away from a warm body, and they are unable to attach themselves to the slippery, non-porous surface of a toilet.

Syphilis is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact, and cannot be spread though toilet seats.

Bacterial STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea do not live long outside of the warm mucous membranes of the vagina, penis, anus, and mouth.

*There is one exception to this list: trichomoniasis, an infection caused by a protozoan parasite, can live outside the body up to a couple of hours. Trich spreads most often through vaginal sex, (vagina-to-penis or vagina-to-vagina), and infects the vagina most frequently. It is not very common among men who only have sex with men, and is not found very often in the anus. Trich has been known to survive on wet towels and bathing suits, especially in women. It is possible that trich could survive for a short time on the toilet seat. That said, even trich is probably almost never spread from toilet seats. For more info on trich: Critters In My Culo

It wouldn't hurt to do a deep clean of your shared spaces every once in a while.
+ Clean all bathroom surfaces using an all-purpose cleaner.
+ Use your own hand and body towels, and wash them regularly.
+ Blood can spurt with injecting! If you or your roommates use in the bathroom, clean up after yourselves. Hepatitis C can live 16 hours to 4 days on surfaces, and Hepatitis B can survive outside the body for up to 7 days.

Now please, relax and take a seat!

Dr. Dick

Date with Roe Z. Palm

Dr. Dick,

I went down south to a friend's house for some weekend P n' P, and walked right into a masturbation party. It was an explosive evening watching seven other guys get off, and a couple of guys getting each other off. I wouldn't mind attending another of these get-togethers, and maybe even trying some mutual masturbation. But first, I think I might benefit from some safety and etiquette tips. As far as I know you can't get anything from touching someone's genitals with your hand right?

Roe Z. Palm

Dear Roe Z.,

Masturbation is a very safe and rousing way to get off, especially if you're only touching yourself. Mutual masturbation (two or more individuals manually getting each other off), is also pretty safe, but it does carry a little more risk due to the potential for contact with sexual fluids, sores, and blood. Here's some more info before you buff that banana...

• Know where that Johnson has been? Wash your hands before and after touching someone else's jewels. Fingering the anus and then touching your mouth could lead you to get certain bugs including Hepatitis A, and intestinal bacteria and parasites. Wash your hands well after touching in and around someone's hole. Hepatitis A can also be prevented through a vaccine, and many organizations in Seattle offer this vaccine (and the Hepatitis B vaccine) for free!
• STDs, including herpes and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), can spread when there are no symptoms (herpes blisters, or genital warts). If you touch yourself after touching a partner who has herpes or HPV, there is a small chance you could transmit the infection to your genitals. You can also get a herpes infection on your finger. You can also spread crabs and syphilis this way, though the risk is probably quite low.
• Keep gloves and finger condoms around in case you need them. These provide a barrier against skin-to-skin contact if you have dirty hands/fingernails, cuts or sores on the fingers/hands, or just feel more comfortable covering up.
• Avoid sharing toys for masturbation. If you're using a masturbation sleeve, clean it after use according to the manufacturer's directions before using again or sharing. Put a condom on a dildo if you're sharing, or don't know if the toy is clean.

Use lots of lube to prevent chafing.
• If crystal is in the mix, you might go for hours, and literally rub yourself raw. Chafing from intense masturbation can create little tears that provide entryways for infection. A chafed dick will also feel downright painful in your jeans!
o It is very unlikely that you could transmit HIV through mutual masturbation, as the virus does not live long outside the body. But, scan hands and genitals before you get started to check for any breaks in the skin.

• Get tested every 3 months for HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. If you do test positive for an STD, connect with a medical provider right away for treatment. Early treatment will reduce the chance of you spreading an STD to a partner. Make sure that your partners get screened and treated as well.

Here's to a great night with Rosy Palm,

Dr. Dick

Great (s)Expectations

Dear Dr. Dick,

I'm newly out and am dying to go to a sex club. Only thing is, I'm not sure what to do when I'm there. Dr. Dick, I just want to get fucked. Can you help a guy out?

Tired Of being Patient

Dear TOP (NOT),

You're not alone. Some consider bathhouse sex to be a whole different ballgame. Just like with anything else, enter carefully and go in easy. Here are some basic tips guys should remember:


A lot of guys tell me when they go to a sex club, they assume everyone has a sex bug. We know that people don't always tell the truth, and we know that some people don't know their HIV and STI (sexually transmitted infection) statuses. You might feel weird thinking every guy has an STI, but it takes the guesswork out of using condoms. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and other STIs are easily spread through oral and anal sex. You don't have to fuck with a guy if he won't use a condom. Remember, you're in control. It's your body.

  • Use a condom for every sex act. Condoms can wear out before you do, especially if crystal is in the mix. Put on a new condom if the condom dries out, when you switch positions, or if something just doesn't feel right. Pull out hard so that you don't spill fluids.
  • Take charge. Ever heard of insertive condoms? (also called "FC2 Female Condoms"). These are condoms that are put into the anus.  A lot of guys like them because they aren't constricting on the dick. Think of them as Magnums for your ass. For more info: Too Big To Fit In Here.
  • Use lots of lube. Lube keeps things slippery and can prevent tearing the skin in and around your hole. Water and silicone-based lubes are safe to use with condoms--but stay away from oil-based lubes or household products like cooking oil or Vaseline. These can break down condoms.


Saunas and steam rooms can be dangerous if you stay in them too long. Limit your visit to 20 minutes. Drink plenty of water or Gatorade before and after the sauna, and avoid alcohol.

Keep your drink in sight and don't set it down. Roofies (date rape drugs) are easy to slip into the drink of an unsuspecting cutie.


People can be sneaky when they want something from you--whether it's money, sex, or your stuff. Don't be too friendly or trusting. Be polite, but don't be a Naive Nancy.


Just because you show up doesn't mean you'll find somebody to hook up with. This can be frustrating, especially when you're horny as hell. Keep things in perspective. Have a plan B. Be good to yourself, and practice self-care. Maybe your first time will just be an opportunity to enjoy the sauna.


  • Get to know the space, including the exits. 
  • Don't bring in firearms or drugs. You will get searched at the door.
  • Lock your stuff up in a locker, and don't bring valuables. If you get a room, lock your door anytime you leave.
  • Take a shower so you're squeaky clean. While the occasional guy gets off on dirty, most won't appreciate it.
  • It's ok to ask for a new room. For example, if you get in your room and discover your friend or boss is in the room next door, you might want to switch.
  • Check out on time to avoid late fees.
  • If a guy harasses you physically or verbally, report it to the manager or front desk staff. Everyone has the right to enjoy a safe time.


  • Get vaccinated for Hepatitis A & B.
  • Get vaccinated for HPV if you're under 26. 
  • Give a fuck, get tested. Get tested for HIV, and STIs (sexually transmitted infections) every 2-3 months, or as recommended by your doctor. Some clubs even offer free testing on certain nights.
  • Educate yourself on common STIs.

*A note on douching:

Many sex clubs have douching rooms, and sell douching hoses for you to use in these rooms. I don't recommend douching (also known as using an enema) for several reasons. Check out my article Keep Your Frenemies Close and Your Enemas Closer.

Fuck safely and take care of yourself.


-Dr. Dick 

Chains and Whips Excite Me: Part 2


Now that you know a bit more about what BDSM is and is NOT, you'll want to get familiar with key terms for a scene:


MASOCHIST: A person who feels pleasure by receiving intense sensation/pain in a scene.


MISTRESS/MASTER: One who enjoys being serviced by another person.


SADIST: A person who feels pleasure by inflicting intense sensation/pain on another person in a scene.


SLAVE: A person who is in service to a Master or Mistress.


SUBMISSIVE: A person who feels satisfaction from being verbally or physically controlled during a scene.


BOTTOM: Basic term for the person having something done to them (masochist, slave, submissive, etc.).


DOMINANT: One who feels pleasure from verbally or physically controlling another in a scene.


NEGOTIATION: A conversation with your partner about a scene. Negotiation should take place before you start any BDSM play.


SWITCH: A person who enjoys any role (top or bottom) as they prefer from scene to scene or within a particular scene.


TOP: Generic term for the person doing something to someone (sadist, dominant, dominatrix, owner, master, mistress, etc.


SAFEWORD: A safeword is a safety signal used by the bottom/sub to stop a scene either temporarily or permanently. Some common safewords are "red" for stop and "yellow" for slowdown. "Stop" or "no,"  are not good words to use, for example if one is role playing. Some participants like to use a set signal instead, such as dropping a bell or other object. Discuss safewords during negotiation, and before you start any BDSM activity. If you're at a party, decide on a house safeword. That way, anyone in attendance can respond if they hear the word.




Negotiation should take place before you start any BDSM play. It's a time for you and your partner to sit down together for some thoughtful, respectful discussion. If you try to skip negotiation, your partner might run out faster than you can say "bondage." Negotiation can also take the form of a written questionnaire (you can find one you like online). Once you've both written your answers, sit down together and talk about your responses.


1)      Talk about your BDSM desires and limits. What are your hard limits (things you'll never ever do), and soft limits? (things you might be open to but are unsure of at the moment).


2)      Talk about titles. What will you call each other when you play? (master, mistress, etc.).   


3)      Be open about your medical conditions and make a safety plan. What if your partner ties you up and then collapses due to a heart condition??

a)      Talk about what's going on in your brain and body. What's your mood like? Are you getting over an illness or health problem?

b)      Talk about your HIV/STI status, or better yet, get tested together. You may come into contact with body fluids, especially with blood play and impact play (more later).


4)      Talk about your terms. What do terms like "flogging" mean for both of you? What does it mean to "whip" someone?


5)      Talk about making the switch. Are you going to switch roles in a scene? Switching can happen in a scene, or in a person's lifetime.


6)      Talk about safe sex. What does safer-sex look like to both of you? Get on the same page about your terms. What types of barriers will you both agree to use? Will you choose to get tested together? The person with the strictest rules about safer-sex wins (for example, if one partner requires use of a condom or dam, you should use a condom or dam!). Don't compromise on your safety. You won't enjoy the experience if you aren't on the same page about safety.


                              WRAP IT UP

ÿ        Condoms, dams, and lube are important. Keep them on hand, even if you don't plan to make sex part of your BDSM scene or aftercare.


                              PrEP & PEP

ÿ        HIV-negative guys who are at high risk for getting HIV can take PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis). PrEP involves taking a pill once a day, every day, to help prevent getting HIV. Guys who take PrEP should also use condoms & get tested often for HIV and other STDs.

Talk to your medical provider if you are interested in PrEP. For more info about PrEP, go to:  and click on PrEP Q & A: Using HIV Drugs to Prevent HIV Infection.


ÿ        PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) can also lower your risk of getting HIV. PEP is the use of an HIV drug after a possible exposure to HIV. If you feel you might have been exposed to HIV, visit your medical provider ASAP. PEP needs to be started within a couple days of being exposed to HIV.  For more info on PEP, go to



Negotiations should take place in a neutral environment. Be equals when you negotiate. Do not take on your roles until you're done with negotiation (such as top or bottom).  


You will also want to negotiate your aftercare. Aftercare is a time to cool-down and reconnect after a scene. It can take many forms. For some couples it means sex, for others it could be cuddling or eating a piece of chocolate. Some scenes can make people very emotional, so take care of each other and respond to each others' needs.


Sometimes aftercare continues to the next day. Maybe it means the top will call the bottom to check-in. E-mailing and meeting up in person are other ways to check-in.



Stay tuned for Part 3 next week!


Dr. Dick

Chains and Whips Excite Me: BDSM 101



If you choose to engage in BDSM, you do so at your own risk. Project NEON shall not be held liable in any way for any injury incurred while engaging in BDSM.


Dear Dr. Dick,


I'm what you might call a more traditional & chivalrous lover--I just adore romancing a gorgeous man. But, I'm ready to dive into something a little kinkier. What can you tell me about BDSM? Can I indulge in BDSM and still be a gentleman? Where do I start, and how do I figure out what I like?    




Lover in Ballard


Dear Lover,


You can and absolutely should be a gentleman while engaging in BDSM. You'll be thrilled to hear that BDSM is all about trust and respect (and it might be a welcome addition to the sex life of someone chivalrous like yourself).


First things first, the basic BDSM terms.


B/D, Bondage/Discipline


D/S, Dominance/Submission: The consensual use of power for pleasure.


S/M, Sadism/Masochism: The consensual use of extreme sensation for pleasure.


new sensations

BDSM is a way to explore body sensations through many different types of play. Some people like BDSM because they get a rush of endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that are released from stress, fear, or pain, and they can trigger a positive feeling in the body that some people describe as "euphoric". Ever had the "runners high?"



BDSM is NOT about abuse. Just because you're a top or a master doesn't mean you can be an ass-wipe. No matter what role you take on, BDSM requires you to listen and respect one another. Don't be an abuser.


It's also important to mention that BDSM does not have to be sexual. Some folks have a purely non-sexual BDSM relationship---which can take many forms (more info to come). There is something for everyone.



Having a clear head (no pun intended) is important. It is strongly advised that you do not play if you're high, tweaked out, or using other substances. Just as crystal can lead to less-safe, marathon sex sessions, it can potentially cause harm when engaging in BDSM. Here's why:

ÿ        You could play past your limits (playing or having sex for hours which could cause tissue damage, like skin tears in the lining of your hole).  

ÿ        You may not practice safe sex (you might be so horny that you'll jump on a guy without using condoms and lube).

ÿ        You could be more likely to hurt yourself or your partner (trying something new like bondage---making you more likely to put yourself in danger).

ÿ        You may not remember or recognize safe words if you're tweaked out (leading to potential harm, or not respecting your partner).


During negotiation (more info to come, in Part 2 of this article), a lot of people agree not to play after or while using substances. Substances like crystal cause mental and physical changes that might make a scene unsafe and un-enjoyable (and also defeat the purpose of BDSM). You wouldn't make an important decision after waking up from anesthesia right?? You should be fully present and mindful with BDSM.


Stay tuned for Part 2 next week, 


-Dr. Dick



 *A special thank you to Allena Gabosch, Director of the Center for Sex Positive Culture, for your contributions to this article. For more info about the Center for Sex Positive Culture, visit CSPC.


Never been kissed, never been poked.

Dear Dr. Dick,

Lately I've been experimenting with dudes for the first time in my life. I've topped and given head---but I still haven't been poked yet. I pretend I don't like it or don't want to do it. I'm honestly freaked out. Isn't it going to hurt?!? I'm not sure I want to know...

Scared of Booty


Dear SOB,

It's common to hear about the pain felt by women during their "first time," but too often we don't acknowledge that for men, getting poked can also take some getting used to. We can't expect men to be smooth-operating anal sex-machines from the get-go!!  First things first, it's absolutely normal and very common to feel nervous about anal sex.

Remember this: if you don't want to be the receiving partner, you don't have to. It's your body and your sex life, and you don't have to do anything you don't want to do! If you do decide you want to try being on the receiving end, here are my recommendations:



What do you know about your hole and your gut? Your hole (anus) is 2 to 3 centimeters long. Above that, the rectum is about 12 centimeters long, and has a thick layer of muscle. The rectum has two muscular rings--the external and internal anal sphincters.  

Closest to your hole is the external anal sphincter. You control movement of this sphincter (such as when you poop). A little higher up is the internal anal sphincter. Movement of this sphincter is involuntary, meaning you don't control it. When you put something in your butt like a penis or a dildo, it passes by both the external and anal sphincters.

Our butts do not make their own lubrication. Friction happens with anal sex--especially if it's rougher, marathon crystal sex. Keep in mind that you'll need good quality lube to reduce friction (see the lube section at the end of this column).

The lining of the anus and rectum are delicate. Micro tears can happen easily, which increase your chances of getting or spreading HIV or another STI. Unless you're in a monogamous relationship--where 1) you and your partner only have sex with each other, 2) get tested regularly, 3) and are sure you don't have HIV or other STIs--use condoms for anal sex!



Start by putting in a finger, not a dick. This can be your finger or a partner's. Use some lube and be gentle. Remember to relax and breathe. When you're ready for a penis or a dildo, go slow. Stop and relax after you pass the first anal sphincter. Insert the rest of the way when you're ready.  

If you do use a dildo, make sure it has a base or a retrieval handle. No one wants to report to the emergency room with an object lost in their butt.

You might also want to warm-up by trying a butt plug; this is an old porn star trick. Plugs are used to keep the ass muscles open and relaxed---ready for whatever comes their way. 

 *Keep sex toys to yourself, and make sure to clean them after each use, according to manufacturer instructions.



Imagine getting a tear in your hole and not being able to feel it! You won't get the pain signal from your body if something is wrong (like a tear or a colon rupture). A numbing cream will also numb the good feelings. You don't want to miss out on any fab sensations that might arise.



Your partner should respect you, and be willing to go at your own pace. Talk about sex beforehand. You might try saying "Anal sex is new for me. Let's go slow."



Use a condom for anal sex. The lining of the anus is thin and delicate, and a condom is your best protection from sores, fluids, hemorrhoids, and other things that might be in the behind.

Ever had a naughty nurse fantasy? Latex gloves can be used for fingering - especially if your partner has any cuts or sores on their finger.

If rimming is part of your "sexcapades," give a damn, use a dam. Dams come in many tasty flavors, and you'll still get the heat and warmth of touch. Try using some flavored lube to make things more interesting.


Anal Sex and Crystal

Crystal sex can be long and rough. If you're using crystal, prepare for sex ahead of time. Do you have condoms and lube? Change condoms when you stop to rest or switch positions, and add more lube from time to time.



Poppers are a liquid form of amyl or butyl nitrite. Some guys inhale the fumes during sex to relax their ass muscles, prolong sex, or have screaming orgasms. If you do plan to use poppers, I don't recommend it being the first time you bottom. Prolonged popper-sex wouldn't be good for someone who isn't used to having a dick in their butt. Poppers open your blood vessels, sending more blood to areas like your nether regions. This raises the risk of HIV and STIs getting in your bloodstream. Check out NEON's brochure Crystal, Poppers & Boner-Uppers for more info.



Some guys use lube because they feel like it decreases friction and trauma to the skin. Not all lubes are safe though! Some lubes hurt the lining of the rectum and may increase HIV replication (the virus making copies of itself). 

Here's some more info:

  • Stay away from lubricants that contain nonoxynol-9. Nonoxynol-9 is a spermicide that can hurt the delicate lining of the rectum and vagina, increasing the risk of HIV and other STIs.
  • Some evidence suggests that lubricants containing an ingredient called polyquaternium-15 may INCREASE HIV replication. Some of the lubricants that contain polyquaternium-15 are in the Astroglide family of lubes: Astroglide Liquid, Astroglide Warming Liquid, Astroglide Glycerin and Paraben-Free Liquid, and Astroglide Silken Secret.  It's probably best to avoid these.
  • Steer clear of lubes that contain sugars. Lubes with sugar can increase the chance of an infection in the rectum and vagina.
  • Some evidence suggests that certain lubricants can damage the cells in the lining of the rectum. These lubricants include: Astroglide, Elbow Grease, Gynol II, KY Jelly, Replens, and Boy Butter.
  • Water-based lube is probably the safest option.



Guys who have sex with guys should get tested every 2-3 months. Make this a regular part of your health routine. Your doctor may have different recommendations for how often you should test---but the bottom line is that you need to test!


 I hope this helps!

 Dr. Dick


Keep your Frenemies close & your Enemas closer


Dear Dr. Dick,


I recently met the man of my dreams, and it's been quite a ride. Everything's going well between us--except that lately I've been feeling really constipated, and it's cramping my style. I've heard some of my friends talk about using enemas, but the thought leaves me feeling they work? Help!




Stopped Up



Dear Stopped Up,                     


I'm sorry to hear that you're clenched. Now that you're in love, your fitness and nutrition habits might have gone out the window. Everyone gets constipated at some point in their lives, and it's downright annoying. Constipation means that you're having fewer bowel movements than you usually have. Symptoms include hard, dry bowel movements; having to strain when you poop; and feeling bloated.


Men use enemas (also called "anal douches") for several reasons--to help them have a bowel movement, and to clean out the lower part of their gut before anal sex. I've heard several guys say they won't have anal sex without first using an enema, to avoid "shit dick." An enema involves inserting liquid into the gut through the anus. Water is often used, but sometimes other substances are added. The volume of liquid causes the lower intestinal tract to expand, and often causes bloating, cramping, a strong urge to poop, and finally, a bowel movement.


You could be constipated for several reasons:


1)      You're not eating enough fiber


2)      You might not be exercising enough to get things moving


3)      You're eating too many high-fat foods


4)      You may be taking a medication that causes constipation


5)      You might be dehydrated



Constipation is usually easy to fix, and there are several more "natural" ways to get regular. I don't recommend enemas and here's why:


1)      Your gut naturally cleans itself out--especially when you eat a diet high in fiber. Enemas just aren't necessary!


2)      Enemas can irritate the skin and lining of your anus, which increases your chance of getting or spreading HIV and other STDs. The tissue around your hole is thin and delicate, and you could easily tear it by using an enema.



When you need to clean out your gutter, try the following:


1)      Eat more fiber! Aim for 20-35 grams of fiber per day. Foods with lots of fiber include whole grains, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. If you visit, you can enter the foods you eat each day in a tracker, and find out how many grams of fiber and other nutrients you're eating. It's a great way to track your diet in general.


Try to replace some refined grains with whole grains. Refined grains are found in products like cakes, cookies, white bread, and pizza. Refined grains have little fiber and won't help move things along. Whole grains include foods like oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice.  Eating more whole grains is as easy as asking for brown rice instead of white when you go out for dinner.


Other foods with little to no fiber that can make you more constipated are: ice cream, cheese, meat, and processed foods.


2)             Take a walk. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. This could be a brisk � hour walk every day during the week. You can also break it up into 10-minute sessions, 3 times a day. Couples who work out together stay together!


3)             Stay hydrated. Water is your best friend. Juice is the next best option. Water adds fluid to your gut and bulk to your bowel movements, which makes them softer and easier to pass.


Drinks with alcohol will dehydrate you. Follow them up with plenty of water! 


Constipation can also be a side effect of some medications. If you're taking a medication that you think might be causing constipation, talk to your doctor. If you feel like you absolutely must use an enema to clean yourself out, I recommend using warm water only. If you have concerns about your constipation, or if it doesn't get better, definitely visit your doctor. I hope this helps get things moving!




Dr. Dick





Bite me!

Dear Dr Dick,


Once again I have a couple small red spots on my body that look like insect bites. I had something similar a couple of months ago, but I think those were abscesses.


I don't have health insurance so can not see a doctor about it. I the meantime, am I exposing my sex partners to anything serious?




Bitten, smitten but not forgittin' in Seattle


 Dear Bitten, smitten but not forgittin' in Seattle


Thank you for your question!


To start an abscess is a pocket of pus. Pus means you have an infection. Pus is made of dead tissue, germs (bacteria), and white blood cells. An abscess usually appears as a hard, reddish, tender and painful lump, usually at the injection site, but it can also pop up in other places.


There are of course many different insects whose bits range from harmless to extremely dangerous. It is important to remember that winter is bed bug season, if they look like insect bites they could be a sign of bed bugs. Bed Bugs are small, elusive, and parasitic insects. They live strictly by feeding on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. The name 'bed bug' is derived from the insect's preferred habitat infesting houses and especially beds or other common areas where people may sleep. Bedbugs, though not strictly nocturnal, are mainly active at night and are capable of feeding unnoticed on their hosts.


Of course, the only way to be sure is to be seen by a medical professional. You can also periodically inspect your sleeping area for bed bugs. It is a good idea to refrain from having sexual contact until you get to the bottom (no pun intended) of what these spots are.


The STD clinic at 9th and Jefferson is a great resource for men who have sex with men.  


Dr. Dick



Here's a helpful link from Public Health about bed bugs:


And if health insurance is an issue, here's a couple of helpful links:

Safe and Sane Holidays

Greetings from Hawaii,

I am sending warm hello's from the sunny island. Although I am away, you are all in my thoughts for a safe and sane holiday experience!

Whether you're at home with family and friends, or at the bath house with a fuck buddy:

  • Remember to get tested and play safe always!
  • Use clean and new rigs each and every time!
  • Brush your teeth after every meal!
  • Call NEON at 206.323.1768 if you have a burning question!
  • Brush up on your meth vocabulary by checking
  • If it looks & smells funky and out of the ordinary... get it checked out! That simple pimple might be a nasty viral infection! Never hesitate!
  • To get tested, call 206.205.STDS [7837] to schedule your anonymous and confidential HIV and STD screening or call your doctor!

We have tons of resources to get you through this season. Phone numbers and website are listed in the back page in an easy to read format. Feel free to pull it out for future use.

Until next time... Aloha!
--Dr. Dick