Britney Speared - Dr. Dick

Britney Speared

Dear Dr. Dick,

Is it safe to fuck with a penis piercing? My wicked Prince Albert is just about healed...

-Britney Speared

Dear BS,

There isn't much known about the safety of penis piercings and how they might affect your risk of getting HIV or other STIs. Therefore, the best way to reduce your chances of these infections is to care for your piercing and practice safer sex.  


  • A penis piercing is an open wound until it heals. An open wound is a perfect entry way for STIs like HIV. Follow your piercing aftercare instructions so the wound heals right.
  • Experts say you should wait to have sex until the wound is healed. Dried blood and other fluids can spread infection, and the piercing might also travel (move from its original position) during sex--especially rougher, longer crystal sex. Ouch!
  • Watch for signs of infection. Warning signs of infection can include bad-smelling discharge, redness, pain, swelling, and fever. Visit your doc if you think you have an infection.


Possible problems from piercing are:

  • Bacterial infection.
  • Bleeding.
  • Nerve damage.
  • A buildup of scar tissue at the site.
  • The piercing site might become hypersensitive (very sensitive).
  • Reaction to the jewelry (your body may reject the piercing).
  • Interruption of your urine flow when you pee. 
  • Hepatitis B, C, and HIV from piercing equipment that's not properly sterilized.


Oral Sex

Be careful during oral sex. A piercing can cause tissue damage if you're deep throating---and can lead to broken teeth and choking. Use a condom or avoid deep-throating altogether.

Some evidence suggests that if you're pierced, you may have a greater risk of getting HIV when someone gives you head. Protect yourself and your partner(s) by using an oral sex condom. Leave space at the tip of the condom so that it's not stretched tight over the jewelry (this could tear the condom).

Anal and Vaginal Sex

The tissue in the vagina and anus are delicate and easily damaged. Condoms and lots of lube will help reduce friction and prevent the jewelry from tearing or damaging the skin. Some guys take the piercing out for sex if it causes discomfort. Just be sure to put a condom on before you dive in, because bacteria and fluids can still get in the piercing site even when it's healed.

If crystal is in the mix, prepare ahead of time with a stash of condoms and lube. If you see or feel any signs of infection, get it checked out by a doc ASAP. Thank you for your shlong-tastic question!


-Dr. Dick 

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