Fisting and Crystal: Dr. Dick on sphincter safety - Dr. Dick

Fisting and Crystal: Dr. Dick on sphincter safety

Dear Doc:
Last weekend I went to a Tina party which turned into a huge fisting fest. Everyone was pretty spun and fucking each other with anything they could find. I even saw one guy get double fisted. He looked too wacked to feel anything, but I wonder if this could cause any serious damage? Can a butthole really get that big?
Stunned and Amazed in West Seattle

Dear Stunned:
Once speed loosens up those butt muscles and inhibitions, it can be hard to curb your anal appetite! But your ass is not a Volkswagen. It only has so much room.

Your sphincter is pretty flexible and can stretch quite far on crystal. But fisting or massive penetration can easily overstretch your sphincter and other rectal surfaces. Although tears will probably heal, they may never quite get back to normal. Over time, this can lead to permanent damage, a loose sphincter, and lifelong problems with incontinence (inability to control stool).

Another issue is simple anatomy. Your rectum is a tube, but not a straight tube. It curves towards your navel and then your spine in a narrow S-shape. At the wrong angle, a fist (or dildo, thick toy, etc.) can hit the rectal wall with too much force. This could cause bleeding or tissue damage. Go too far up your ass and you can break through your colon wall. A ruptured bowel requires emergency surgery and can be fatal!

Fisting and crystal are a bad combo - plain and simple. Crystal numbs your pain receptors so you might not know when injury is about to occur. Or if it already has. And if sex is getting that out-of-control, your drug use may be too. It might be time to cut down or take a break.

Watch out for these injury warning signs:

  • Severe abdominal/groin pain
  • Bleeding from your ass
  • Fever (especially over 101 degrees)
  • Painful gas or bowel movements
If any of these symptoms last over two days or get worse, see a doctor or go to the ER immediately. No matter how embarrassed you may be - get checked out!

Your rectum may be a pleasure palace, but it also has a day job - managing your stool. So strong, intact sphincters are nice to have around!
Until next time, Dick

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