Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Advice for a naughty elf
Dear Dr.
Around the holidays, it's kinda hard for me to make ends meet. I'm not working right now, so you can guess how I earn my stash. Since I might be sleeping with an extra guy or three, what can I do to keep my candy cane minty fresh?
Naughty Elf
Dear Elf,
Guys trade sex for a lot of reasons---money, drug withdrawals, a couch to sleep on, or just needing a good fuck. While trading sex can be a quick (or not-so-quick) way to make ends meet, there are real safety concerns to think about. Keeping your candy cane fresh is just the beginning when it comes to safety.
Guys who trade sex are more likely to:
- Be
victims of abuse and assault
- Have
unprotected sex
- Feel
depressed or suicidal
- Get
exposed to HIV and other STIs
You are a human being with needs, feelings, and rights. If you're trading sex, take time to take care of yourself---physically, emotionally, sexually, and mentally. Read on...
One issue
you might face is a partner who doesn't want to wrap it---and if you're
desperate, you might give in. Talk about protection and the types of sex you'll
have before you start to play. You might say "we'll be safer and more relaxed
if we use a condom," or "I'm not comfortable bare-backing." If you feel
pressured into doing something you're not comfortable with, ask yourself if
it's worth the price.
When you have marathon crystal sex, your dick and anus can become raw and bleed---raising your risk of getting HIV and other STIs. Condoms and lots of lube are your best bet for protection. If you're a diehard top, you might end up a bottom when trading (or other way around). Try an insertive condom (we like to call them "Magnums for your ass"). They aren't tight on the dick and you can put one in up to eight hours before sex. For more info: Too Big to Fit in Here
Oral Sex
- Ever
put a condom on with your mouth? If you're smooth you can do it without
your partner ever noticing.
- Don't
brush or floss before giving oral sex.
- Wash
your hands after sex, removing a condom, and touching sex toys. Cover a
sex toy with a condom before use to shield yourself from germs.
- Use gloves for fisting. Elbow-length gloves are the safest because they offer the most protection. Use gloves only once and wash your hands after taking gloves off
- Make
sure you're vaccinated for hepatitis A and B.
- One
study found that guys who trade sex are more likely to get STIs. Test for
HIV and other STIs including syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, every 2-3 months.
- You might also like to test yourself at home. Project NEON is giving away FREE HIV Home Test Kits. Pick one up from a peer educator or call 206.323.1768. It's best to use the home tests as an extra test, not as a substitute for actual blood testing since the home tests are not as accurate as the testing done in a clinic or at one of our sister agencies like Gay City.
Be well,
Dr. Dick