Santa's Safe Sex List
'Tis the season!
Dear Loyal Readers,
Every issue, we get questions from simple to hard core. This time, I'd like to do a
"Santa's Safe Sex List" A short and easy way to remember how to stay warm & healthy
while being sexy & safe:
The obvious one is ABSTAIN from SEX. But, really?
If you are sexually active:
- Get tested every 2-3 months for HIV & STDs (sexually transmi ed
- diseases), including Hepatitis
- Get vaccinated for Hepatitis A & B, if you already haven't been vaccinated
- Always use a NEW CONDOM: regular, fl avored or Reality for every sex act
- Always use water-based LUBE
- Get to know your partner - TALK
If you shoot up drugs, always use a sterile rigand all new works; don't use rigs that others have used. Sterile rigs are available by exchanging used ones at any needle exchange site or from many local pharmacies (call 206-296-4649 for times and locations).
If you think you've been exposed to an STD and have symptoms, go to your doctor or the STD Clinic at Harborview Medical Center.
To make an STD Clinic appointment, call (206) 744-3590.
If you have time to cruise online, you have time to read up on HIV &
STD information online.
Here's a start:
Until 2009... Happy Holidays!