Ben Dover: Sexually Transmitted Diseases and You - Dr. Dick

Ben Dover: Sexually Transmitted Diseases and You

Dear Dr. Dick,
I'm HIV positive and I only sleep with HIV positive guys. Why should I use protection?
-Ben Dover

Dear Ben,
That's a very good question, and I'm glad you asked it. HIV is not the only STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) to be worried about. You might be thinking that you already have the most serious STD, so why worry about protection? This seems to make sense, except, when you are HIV positive other STDs can still cause serious problems for you.

Common STDs that are viruses, like Herpes or Genital Warts cannot be cured, but can be treated. If you are HIV positive they can become much harder to treat and the symptoms can be very painful and unattractive.The common symptoms for Herpes are:

  • Red, swollen, itching sores on your genitals (cock & balls) or in your mouth
  • Headaches
  • Backaches
  • Swollen glands

If the Herpes virus is causing symptoms like these you can be sure that it's putting some major stress on your immune system. To add to that stress you may find that you're not too pretty when you have a Herpes outbreak.

Common STDs that are bacteria like Gonorrhea or Syphilis can cause very serious infections in your penis, mouth, or butt that can be harder to treat if you are HIV positive.

If you are HIV positive and your partner is not, or the other way around, these STDs can make it easier for you or your partner to become HIV infected. STDs may create breaks in the skin or sores. Around these sores lots of infected or infectable white blood cells collect to fight the STD. This makes it easy for the HIV to enter the uninfected white blood cells and the rest of the blood system.

Remember that we can manage our sexual health in many ways, by asking questions, talking to friends, protecting ourselves and our partners, and getting STD checkups. If you have more questions about STDs or HIV, you can call 731-4394, or use the coupon in this zine for a free checkup!

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