Genital Herpes and HIV
Dear Dr. Dick,
What's the deal with genital herpes and HIV? I had a herpes outbreak. Does this mean I'll get HIV next?
-Confused & Curious Chris
Dear CCC,
Not necessarily. Although studies show that if you have genital herpes, you could be 2X more likely to catch HIV (Especially when you have herpes sores). BUT, it doesn't have to be. And if you are HIV positive and have genital herpes you are more likely to pass on HIV to your partners.
First of all, WHAT is GENITAL HERPES?
Genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted disease (STD) practically always caused by HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus-2). Although 25% of adults in the US have genital herpes, the rates are HIGHER among gay men. And 80% don't know they have it. But oral herpes (HSV-1), which commonly just causes cold sores on the lips or mouth can also be on the genitals. Blisters and sores on the penis, vagina, anus, buttocks and elsewhere are common signs. Itching, burning, pain and discomfort are likely to happen.
HOW does it get passed around?
Herpes 2 can easily be passed through skin-to-skin contact. So, you don't need to have sex to get this! But it is most often passed through unprotected oral (blowjob), vaginal and anal sex.
Don't panic!
Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases regularly and make sure you are getting the blood test for herpes. Every 3-6 months is very good, especially if you are sexually active. Know your status! You can find out at NEON's Rest Stop, where anonymous and confidential testing is always available and FREE! Every Wednesday at 6pm to 8pm.
- If you test positive, a good place to explore treatment options is the STD Clinic @ 731.3590 for treatment options OR the Link Study @ 520.3800 where you can get expert advice and great benefits like FREE herpes treatment for a year and get paid for it!
- Minimize spreading it to your sexual partners, by properly and consistently using CONDOMS for oral, vaginal and anal sex, if abstinence is not a realistic option.
- Try to avoid sex when sores and blisters are obvious and visible. HIV is more easily transmitted when sores are present!
- It's not the end of the world, don't delay getting checked regularly. It's good to know.
Dr. Dick
1. Genital herpes is treatable, but not curable (just like HIV).
2. Herpes makes HIV so much easier to catch and to spread.
3. With or without symptoms, people can pass viruses around.
1 out of 4 has genital herpes.