Info from Dr. Dick about Chlamydia
Dear readers,
We got a lot of calls last month from guys worried about chlamydia. We sent your questions to the good doctor for his sage advice. Here's what he had to say:What is chlamydia?
Chlamydia (clah MID ee uh) is a bacteria that can be passed through oral, anal, or vaginal sex. It grows really well in the cock, the butt hole and the pussy; and also infects the cervix (in female-bodied folks), and the throat.
Chlamydia often has NO SYMPTOMS. You can have chlamydia for a long time and not have a clue. Chlamydia is easy to cure with antibiotics, and the sooner it gets treated, the better. Serious health problems can develop if you don't get treated (more info under the symptoms section). The only way to know if you're infected with the bacteria is to have a culture or urine test done by a medical provider.
Can I get chlamydia from giving or getting a blowjob?
Yes. A lot of people think that getting or giving head is totally safe. The risk of getting chlamydia through oral sex is lower, but it's still a risk! Use condoms to provide a barrier against contact with your partner's genitals and fluids. Use some tasty, flavored lube to make things more interesting. There are also flavored condoms specially made for oral sex.
If you're partner has chlamydia and you're giving them head without using a barrier like a condom, you can get infected even if they don't cum. The bacteria likes to live in warm, wet places like the urethra (where you pee from), and it's easier to come into contact with it if you don't use a barrier.
If I get symptoms, what should I look for?
itching inside the penis
discharge from the penis
pain or burning when you pee
pain or swelling in the testicle(s)
If your butt gets infected with chlamydia, you may or may not have symptoms---but if you do, they might be itching or pain.
If you get infected with chlamydia and don't get treatment, the infection can spread in the body. In men, this can mean epididymitis, which is inflammation of the epididymis (part of your testicle). This condition leads to testicular pain and swelling.
what if I'm HIV positive?
If you're HIV-positive, it's easier for you to get or spread chlamydia or other STIs. That's why testing is so important---because if you test positive for chlamydia, you can get treated and cured right away.
Get regular STI check-ups
Talk about your HIV and STI status with partners. Then, you can frame a conversation around sexual safety.
Talk about what you and your partner(s) will do to keep each other safer--do you plan to use condoms or dams? Get tested together every couple of months?
Use condoms, gloves, insertive condoms, and dams
For more info on where to get tested in King County, visit: King County Testing Sites
For more info on chlamydia and other STIs, visit: Chlamydia Facts or CDC Chlamydia Facts
Yours truly,
Dr. Dick
Updated and Reposted 3/29/13