Sex Clubs and STDs - Dr. Dick

Sex Clubs and STDs

Dear Dr. Dick,
Since it's going to be cold out this season, I've decided to keep myself warm in the sex club. My friends said not to go because I'll catch STDs there. Is that true?
Klub Kidd

Dear KK,
Well, it depends... are you there to have sex (oral or anal) or to exchange Christmas gifts? The bottom line is NOT WHERE you are, but WHAT you DO. It's the behavior. NOT the location.

For obvious reasons, sex clubs or bath houses are traditionally where men find other men for sex, be it oral, anal or mutual jack-off. Whether you're at home, in the bushes or in the office, WEAR A CONDOM! Especially, if it's someone you don't know or have only met for the first time. Talking about sexual history and safety before sex is good. BUT, how do you really know?

I know it does sound preachy. But, the truth of the matter is that the only sure way to protect yourself from STDs, especially HIV is to NOT have sex or wear a CONDOM consistently and correctly if you do have sex. So, wear a condom if you have sex & have fun.

Here are some quickie factoids about the more common STDs [Sexually Transmitted Diseases] whether at a bath house, the bushes, or by the fireplace:

Chlamydia is caused by bacteria. These bugs can infect the penis or rectum. It is one of the most common of all STDs. If symptoms occur, and often there are no symptoms they usually appear 1-3 weeks after infection.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Discharge from the penis; the discharge may be clear, cloudy, or yellowish
  • An itchy feeling inside the penis
  • Pain or burning feeling while urinating
  • A swollen or tender testicle

Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria. This infection is sometimes called "GC" or "the clap". Infections mostly involve the penis, the rectum or sometimes the throat, but occasionaly GC can dissiminate through the blood and involve other organs. It is easily treated with a single dose of antibiotic. If symptoms occur, and they generally do, they usually develop 2 to 10 days after catching the infection.

These are the main symptoms:

  • Discharge from the penis, usually yellowish
  • Pain or burning feeling while urinating
  • Discharge from the anus
  • Anal itching
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Blood or mucus on the feces

Syphilis is caused by bacteria. The initial infection usually causes an open, painless sore ("chancre") at the infection site, but up in the anus or in the back of the throat, this sore may not be noticed. Syphilis has several stages. Symptoms vary with each stage, but often there are no symptoms, even though serious damage may be happening.

Symptoms may include:

  • painless open sore on the penis, rectum, or anus, even the mouth or lips - the so-called primary stage of infection
  • spotty skin rash on the palms or soles, often with a low-grade fever, swollen lymph glands, and feeling punk - the "secondary" stage of syphilis.

There are definitely many more STD's... but let's focus on these for now. Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are all curable. Don't wait for a symptom to pop! Get tested regularly every 3 to 6 months, more often if you are highly sexually active and having unprotected sex. Find a doctor, tester or counselor that you are comfortable with being honest about your sexual history. You can start at Rest Stop...

Jason is our resident tester/counselor who has the street smarts & compassion with guys who use. He can even talk to you about vein care and proper needle use, if you've gone that far Rest Stop is every Wednesday from 6 to 8pm at Seattle Counseling Service at 1216 Pine, 3rd Floor. Or call the HIV/STD Hotline at 205.STDS for the nearest location.

Dr. Dick

Before anyone slides down your chimney make sure they have the right gear!

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