Willy J: Is there a type of gonorrhea that can't be cured?
Dear Dr. Dick,
What about that strain of gonorrhea that can't be cured? I've been hearing about it on the news. I'm HIV+ and this worries me a bit. What will it do to me? Can I get it in my butt or mouth?
Willy J.
Dear Willy,
Relax. The news was wrong. With the right medication, this strain of gonorrhea is easy to cure. The problem is, the best medication is not the one that a lot of clinics use. The news also failed to mention that there have been only 11 cases of this kind of gonorrhea in Seattle. If you have had gonorrhea in the last year and you are worried, go to the Harborview STD Clinic and get checked out.
(Take a yellow NEON Coupon from this issue of AmphetaZINE for a free check-up and treatment.)
By the way: Recently, the STD Clinic has seen more and more cases of gonorrhea in the throats and butts of gay and bisexual men. There are probably more guys out there who are infected but they might not know it. The symptoms (for instance, it burns when you pee or there's oozing, dripping yellow stuff coming out of your butt or dick) don't show up in about 20% of the guys who get gonorrhea.
On the other hand, some guys might see the symptoms but avoid going to the clinic because they're too embarrassed. Don't be.
What about HIV and gonorrhea? Here's the deal. Gonorrhea causes tissue damage in the rectum, throat, and inside the penis. (It also damages the vagina but most AmphetaZINE readers don't have one.)
When the tissue is damaged, white blood cells (also known as pus) rush to fight off the infection. So...
- For HIV negative guys, having gonorrhea makes it easier for HIV to enter your system once you get exposed. Why? Because HIV likes to infect white blood cells. Having gonorrhea is like rolling out the welcome mat as far as HIV is concerned.
- For HIV+ guys, a case of gonorrhea can really wear down your system. If you see symptoms or suspect you've been exposed, go to the clinic and get checked out.
My advice: Don't sweat the petty things -- just pet the sweaty things (safely).