Too Big To Fit In Here (again!) - Dr. Dick

Too Big To Fit In Here (again!)

Dear readers,
I like to push the envelope a little bit, so I was pleasantly surprised when my article Too Big to Fit in Here---on insertive ("female") condoms, was read by so many guys. Call them what you want, Booty Bags are in-style. Enjoy!

Dear Dr. Dick,

What's the deal with female condoms? My roommate told me he's used them before, and I was totally grossed out. They look awkward, and the thought of sticking a plastic ring up my butt is frightening to say the least. What's wrong with regular condoms? Please enlighten me in regards to this madness.

A Seattle Skeptic

Dear A.S.S.,

Thank you for your great question! I understand just how you feel, but first of all, let's get PC here. Around here we call them "insertive condoms" because they are not just for the ladies anymore. Men have been using them anally for years, and you might be surprised how well "received" they are.

Insertive condoms are made of nitrile--a soft, smooth and flexible material that feels similar to latex. Just like "regular condoms," they are for one-time use only.

The "inner ring" (made of polyurethane) is used to easily insert the condom, and to hold the condom in place during sex. Both the "outer ring" (made of nitrile) and the end of the condom bag stay outside the anus, and actually provide some extra protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Insertive condoms may not be the most fashionable protection--but they can be a fabulous addition to your repertoire of protection. Here are the top benefits guys like:


1) You can put one in hours or minutes in advance. Since crystal can make it hard to remember to use a condom, you'll already be covered when it's time to play.

2) No boner required! This means less pressure and more fun all around for you and your partner.

3) You get to be in charge of your health. It's no secret that it can be difficult to talk to a partner about protection. Saying, "I have an insertive condom in," or "I'm going to put a condom in," can help start a conversation. In addition, you won't have to rely on a partner to use protection. Remember: it's your health, and you have the right to use protection.

4) Variety is the spice of [sex] life. "Regular condoms" are no longer your only option.

5) Extra protection against HIV and other STIs. Since the outer ring and the end of the condom bag stay outside the anus and lie against the surrounding area, you get extra coverage from fluids, sores, and STIs.

1) Like with "regular condoms," you'll want to use lots of water-based lube. Too much lube is almost enough.

2) You can put an insertive condom on your sex toy or partner (instead of inserting the condom directly) to mix things up. You can also ask your partner to put the condom in for you. Make it a part of foreplay.

3) You can take the inner ring out once the condom is inserted. Some guys find this more comfortable. (See instructions below).

4) Insertive condoms are 6.5 inches in length--the same as your standard male condom. They are one-size-fits-all (unless your partner is the Hulk).

It's recommended that you practice putting in an insertive condom a couple times before using one with a partner. Then you can make the choice if it's right for you. Here's how:

1) Open the package carefully by tearing the notch on the top right corner.
2) Squeeze the closed end of the condom including the inner ring, so it becomes long and narrow.
3) Gently insert the inner ring into the anus.
4) Place the index finger inside the condom and push the inner ring up as far as it will go. The outer ring should remain on the outside of the anus. Once the condom is inserted, you can reach in with your index finger and pull the inner ring out. Some guys find it's more comfortable to take the ring out.
5) Insert the penis or the sex toy in the bag of the condom, not to the side!
6) To remove the condom, twist the outer ring and gently pull the condom out. Wrap the condom in the package or in a tissue and throw it in the garbage. Do not put in the toilet.

I hope I've helped calm your insertive condom trepidation. Good luck!


Dr. Dick

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