What is that?
Dear Dr. Dick,
I don't know how to put this delicately, but I am itchy around my junk. It started a couple days ago after I had sex with this guy at the bathhouse. The other weird thing is I'm finding these weird little white dots in my pubic hair. I don't know what this is but I don't like it. I have an appointment with my doctor but its not until next week. Do you have any idea what it is?
Freaked out
Dear Freaked Out,
I would definitely keep that appointment with your doctor. Based on the symptoms that you have described, it sounds like you have Pubic Lice or "Crabs." These little insects are passed from person to person through a variety of ways. The primary way is through sexual contact but people can also get them by sharing items with a person such as clothing or towels or bed linens. The little yellow dots that you are describing could very well be lice eggs from the lice.
Luckily you can treat Crabs. Your best bet is to visit your local drug store and get a lice killing lotion or mousse. These over the counter products can typically kill off the lice. It does not kill the eggs but those can be removed with a fingernail. Be sure to wash and dry your clothes on hot. Keep the doctors appointment even though you will do the treatment so he can examine and make sure it was effective. If it wasn't, then there are prescription medications that he can prescribe. The CDC offers a website with good information in the treatment of Crabs:
Dr. Dick