Can I Still Have Great Sex? - Project Neon

Can I Still Have Great Sex?

Party drugs, including alcohol, can leave you feeling disoriented and make it hard to make the best decisions. Even when you're not high, it can be awkward to talk with your partners about what you want and what kind of sex you're willing to have. If you're high, it can be near impossible if you haven't practiced this skill. You might not tell your partners that you're HIV+ even if you plan on fucking without condoms. Being high is not a legitimate reason for infecting or getting infected with HIV or other STDs.

If you notice that you have unprotected sex or take other sexual risks that you feel uncomfortable with when you're partying, maybe it's time to talk to someone about it. Call one of NEON's fabulous & free "crystal-friendly" counselors at (206) 323-1768 . Or you can call the HIV/STD hotline at (206) 205 STDS (7837) - you can talk with someone openly and anonymously. You can also go to one of the STD clinics or talk confidentially with one of the guys that offers STD testing at the baths. You can also talk with your doctor, case manager, or counselor. Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself. Taking care of yourself and your sex partner(s) is the best way to protect your sex life, your future, and your community.