Liver - Project Neon


liver.pngThe liver is the body's largest internal organ. Along with the kidneys, the liver clears the blood of drugs and poisons that might otherwise build up in the body.

The liver breaks crystal down into simpler chemicals so they can be excreted. Each time blood circulates through the liver, it breaks down more of the drug.

Healthy Liver Tip

Injectors who share needles or works can also get HEPATITIS C, a serious and chronic inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis C can cause liver cancer and cirrhosis. Never share needles, cookers, water or cottons.


  • Crystal competes with other drugs to get broken down in the liver.
  • The liver cannot break down the overload of toxic substances in the bloodstream.
  • This leads to dangerous drug interactions and stimulant overdose.
  • Overdose can mean sudden and dangerous increase in blood pressure causing a severe lack of oxygen and blood to the brain.
  • Body temperature can go up to dangerous levels. Sweating (which cools the body down) sometimes does not happen in stimulant overdose.
  • User could see spots (due to pressure on the nerves in the eye) or pass out. Chances of heart attack, stroke, or coma go up.