- Project Neon
Neon is a program of Seattle Counseling Service
Neon's goals are to:
- Raise awareness about the links between crystal use and HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and other health concerns.
- Increase the use of sterile syringes among gay, bi, and trans men who inject crystal, and promote the consistent use of condoms for anal sex.
- Provide accurate and truthful information about how crystal affects the body and mind, provide options for reducing sexual and drug using risks associated with crystal, and provide free help to better manage or stop crystal use.
- Change community norms regarding the use of crystal methamphetamine among gay, bi, and trans men who use crystal, and its relationship to HIV/AIDS.
- Decrease or discontinue crystal methamphetamine use among gay, bi, and trans men who use crystal.
- NEON's philosophies are rooted in the concept of harm reduction and the belief that all individuals are capable of making life-enhancing decisions, regardless of their drug use. Therefore, we support informed choice based on accurate and truthful education.