Safer Using - Project Neon

Safer Using

safer.pngWhat's the safest way to use crystal meth?

Because crystal contains so many toxic chemicals, there is no real "safe" way to use crystal. There are REAL health risks with each method (see how crystal affects the body), and it's important to know what they are. Also, keep in mind that no matter how you use crystal, you can quickly become addicted. Ever heard of "chasing the high"? If you're ready to quit or control your use, see Treatment.




  • Risk of HIV and hepatitis C from sharing glass straws/stems, or working from a dirty surface. 
  • Irritation of the nose and lungs, including infections. 


  • Use your own straw/stem, and say "NO" to sharing. 
  • Carefully clean your work surface and straw/stem before and after each use.

INJECTING (into vein)


  • Leaky, scarred, shrunken, or collapsed veins. 
  • Abscesses, endocarditis, and other dangerous infections.
  • Risk of HIV and hepatitis C through sharing needles and works.
  • Greater chance of getting too much drug or overamping. Remember, "too much of a good thing is too much."


  • Rotate your site to give your veins time to heal. Each time you inject, try to use a site that's at least 1 inch away from the site you used last. 
  • Use brand-new needles and works for each injection, and DO NOT share. Injection supplies get contaminated after just one use, and can spread HIV and hepatitis C. 
  • Clean your site before you inject. Wash your hands with soap and water, and use at least two new alcohol pads to scrub your site. *Even better if you can scrub your site with soap and water before using alcohol pads. 
  • To protect your delicate veins, use a brand-new sharp needle for each injection. 
  • Put your syringe and needle in a Sharps container right after use, so you won't reuse them.
  • Don't use alone: have someone with you so you can take care of each other if something goes wrong.

Also called "booty bumping" and "butt whacks"


  • Small tears in the tissue of the anus and rectum (in and around your hole). This leads to a greater risk of HIV and hepatitis C if you share syringes, or if you have sex after you booty bump. 
  • Risk of hepatitis A from syringe-sharing or rimming your partner after they booty bump. 
  • Intestinal cramping and other bowel (gut) problems.


  • Wash your hands with soap and water, and prepare your hit using sterile water and brand new works. 
  • Try to use a syringe with a screw-off needle for your booty-bump. Do not snap a needle off of a syringe as this creates sharp edges.
  • Put your syringe and the screw-off needle in a Sharps container right after use. 
  • Use condoms and lots of lube if you have anal sex after booty-bumping. 
  • Use a dam if you rim your partner after they booty-bump. You can get hepatitis A through fecal-oral contact (shit getting in your mouth). *Make sure you've been vaccinated for hepatitis A & B. 
  • Don't use alone: have someone with you so you can take care of each other if something goes wrong.

MUSCLING (injecting into muscle)


  • Extremely painful. 
  • Not recommended with crystal because of the big risk for abscesses and tissue infections. When you inject in a vein, the drug moves into the blood stream; when you inject into a muscle, the drug solution "pools" in the muscle, unable to drain out. Muscling sets you up for a dangerous infection.


  • Rotate your site to give your tissue time to heal. Each time you inject, try to use a site that's at least 1 inch away from the site you used last. 
  • Use brand-new needles and works for each injection, and DO NOT share. Injection supplies get contaminated after just one use, and can spread HIV and hepatitis C. 
  • Clean your site before you inject. Wash your hands with soap and water, and use at least two new alcohol pads to scrub your site. *Even better if you can scrub your site with soap and water before using alcohol pads. 
  • Use a brand-new sharp needle for each injection. 
  • Put your syringe and needle in a Sharps container right after use, so you won't reuse them.
  • Carefully watch your site(s) for signs of infection.
  • Don't use alone: have someone with you so you can take care of each other if something goes wrong.

SKIN POPPING (injecting under skin)


  • Extremely painful.
  • Not recommended with crystal.
  • Very high risk for abscesses and tissue infections. When you skin pop, the drug solution just sits in the tissue under your skin.


  • Rotate your site to give your tissue time to heal. Each time you inject, try to use a site that's at least 1 inch away from the site you used last. 
  • Use brand-new needles and works for each injection, and DO NOT share. Injection supplies get contaminated after just one use, and can spread HIV and hepatitis C. 
  • Clean your site before you inject. Wash your hands with soap and water, and use at least two new alcohol pads to scrub your site. *Even better if you can scrub your site with soap and water before using alcohol pads. 
  • Use a brand-new sharp needle for each injection. 
  • Put your syringe and needle in a Sharps container right after use, so you won't reuse them.
  • Carefully watch your site(s) for signs of infection. 
  • Don't use alone: have someone with you so you can take care of each other if something goes wrong.



  • Tissue damage in the mouth, throat, and lungs. 
  • Breathing problems like shortness of breath. 
  • Risk of herpes (the virus that causes cold sores) and hepatitis C through pipe-sharing.


  • Use your own pipe, and clean the pipe before and after each use. 
  • Smoking gets you high fast, and the high can be stronger. Space out your hits so you don't get too much drug at a time, or try to use a smaller amount of drug when you smoke. 
  • Hold the pipe evenly between your lips, but be careful not to burn them. 
  • Don't use alone: have someone with you so you can take care of each other if something goes wrong.



  • Damage to the membranes and tissue inside the nose.
  • Nose bleeds. 
  • Risk of HIV and hepatitis C through sharing straws or snorting from a dirty surface.


  • Carefully clean the surface you plan to snort from.
  • Don't use rolled-up paper money for snorting. Money passes through the hands of a lot of people and is full of bacteria and germs.
  • Crush up your crystal into a fine powder, so you don't snort any big particles (this could cause more damage to the tissue in your nostrils).
  • Don't snort every day. The lining of your nose is delicate and needs time to rest.
  • Don't use alone: have someone with you so you can take care of each other if something goes wrong.



  • Upset stomach or other problems with the digestive tract.


  • Make your own drink so you know what and how much is in it. Having someone else make your drink can set you up for danger. 
  • Don't use alone: have someone with you so you can take care of each other if something goes wrong.
For more information on safer use, visit our LIBRARY.

Page updated 9/24/13