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June 2009 Archives

ZINE 58 - Pride Issue has arrived!!

Posted by Project NEON on June 24, 2009 1:37 PM

Like Gay Pride, ZINE 58 - Pride Issue has finally arrived!

This issue was inspired by two thoughts:

1) providing information to support a safer and healthier 2009 pride season; and 2) recognizing the struggles and accomplshiments of GLBT people from Seattle to NYC.

We have tried to provide you with a good mix of visual creativity, games and thought provoking articles to keep you informed and busy.

To view the pride issue click on the LEARN tab above and click the Amphetazine link!

As always YOUR FEEDBACK and INPUT is vital to the future developments of the ZINE!

From articles to artwork we NEED to here from you! So take a moment to send a thought, suggestion or comment to the Project NEON Team:

Best and enjoy,


Undercover gambling probe leads to cocaine, meth ring as well

Posted by Project NEON on June 12, 2009 3:39 PM

Friday, June 12, 2009


Seattle police detain an individual during a raid on an East Pike Street apartment early Thursday morning on Capitol Hill. Neighbors said late-night gambling occurred at the apartment.

Cocaine contamination!!

Posted by Project NEON on June 11, 2009 2:57 PM

KING COUNTY, WA - At least three individuals have reported to local hospitals with a life threatening illness, likely caused by the use of cocaine contaminated with a drug used to treat animals. Called levamisole, the contaminant critically reduces a person's white blood cells, causing a condition known as agranulocytosis, where the affected person loses ability to fight infection. Levamisole contamination of some cocaine has previously been reported across the United States, Canada, and globally.

Patients with this condition in Seattle had life threatening infections requiring hospitalization and intensive care unit admittance. One individual needed extensive surgery, and another resulted in a hospitalization cost that exceeded $100,000.

While investigation of illnesses possibly caused by cocaine contaminated with levamisole is on-going, Public Health - Seattle & King County and partners at the King County Department of Community and Human Services, hospitals, and other agencies are taking steps now to warn users of this potentially fatal mixture.

"Cocaine is already an extremely dangerous drug, and with our knowledge that local supply may be contaminated, it's even more urgent that people stop taking it," said Dr. David Fleming, Director and Health Officer for Public Health - Seattle & King County. "You can't tell if the cocaine or crack is contaminated with levamisole by looking at it. Don't take a chance and risk your life."

Levamisole is likely added to the cocaine product at the point of production outside of the United States, though it is not understood why. It can seriously reduce a person's white blood cells, suppressing immune function and the body's ability to fight off even minor infections. People who snort, smoke, or inject crack or powder cocaine contaminated by levamisole can develop overwhelming, rapidly developing, and life threatening infections.

Symptoms in persons using cocaine contaminated with levamisole include:

High fever, chills or weakness

Swollen glands

Infections or sores in the mouth, skin, or anus

White coating of the mouth, tongue or throat (thrush)

Pneumonia, which includes cough, fever, and shortness of breath

Persons using cocaine and experiencing any of these symptoms should seek medical attention at an emergency room or other medical provider immediately.

Cocaine causes overdose and death every year in King County. At this point, investigators are unsure whether there have been any local deaths or other significant illnesses caused by cocaine adulterated with levamisole.

For more information visit:

FOCUS GROUP for LBTQ Women using Crystal Meth

Posted by Project NEON on June 4, 2009 1:19 PM

Project INFORM is having a series of focus groups with LBTQ women and Crystal Meth use.
For more information click the flyer link below.ProjectInform_Bill (2).pdf

New Program at SCS: Project INFORM for LBTQ Women using Crystal

Posted by Project NEON on June 4, 2009 1:02 PM

PROJECT INFORM will work to increase awareness within the LBTQ community about methamphetamine and women and provide increased access to resources for those who want to change behavior related to abuse of or addiction to methamphetamine. The project is a collaboration between Seattle Counseling Service for Sexual Minorities and King County Department of Community and Human Services, Mental Health, Chemical Abuse and Dependency Services Division.

Increases in methamphetamine use have been associated with serious health problems across North America over the past decade. Between 2002 and 2003, methamphetamine-related treatment admissions rose 30% for women in the United States. In 2002, Washington ranked sixth among 13 states with methamphetamine admission rates more than twice the national rate (Washington had 150.4 admissions per 100,000 population in 2002, compared to the national rate of 52 admissions per 100,000 population.).

Because of the paucity of information about LBTQ women and crystal meth, learning will be the focus of the first of Project Inform's three phases. The learning phase will provide information about who/where/how women are using methamphetamine in the LBTQ community. Community members will be invited to participate in focus groups to talk about their experiences using methamphetamine. Peers in recovery who are part of the informal network of support will be interviewed, in the learning phase. The available existing research related to LBTQ women and methamphetamine will be reviewed and data on women in recovery will also be evaluated.

Connecting with LBTQ women and the organizations with which they may be interacting will be the focus of Project Inform's phase two outreach effort. This important phase will build and enhance our relationships with other agencies/organizations to reach women who are using crystal meth but, who are not "out" about either their sexual identity or their drug use. Project Inform outreach materials will be developed, including a project web site.

Phase three, the engagement phase, will connect women to the resources they want and need. Opportunities for individual and group engagement are anticipated, including peer to peer support, information and referral, case management, psycho-educational groups, trainings, workshops and social activities.

We are hosting a series of focus groups with LBTQ women about Crystal meth use.

Contact Project Inform Coordinator Susan Millender at ,
(206) 323-1768, for more information.
ProjectInform_Bill (2).pdf

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