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Recently in Amphetazine Category

What in the butt?

Posted by Project NEON on October 7, 2013 1:01 PM

Check out this throwback illustration from Amphetazine Issue #3! It features a handy visual of how to use an insertive condom (also called "female condom") in the butt.

Want to learn more about the fabulous insertive condom? Click here: Too Big to Fit in Here

Your METHod

Posted by Project NEON on April 15, 2013 12:15 PM

NEON is proud to unveil our new brochure Your METHod: A recovery-based journal for gay, bi, and trans men affected by crystal meth.


Thank you to those who told us their stories, and to those who submitted their beautiful art work. You made this journal possible.  


Check it out! Your METHod

ZINE 58 - Pride Issue has arrived!!

Posted by Project NEON on June 24, 2009 1:37 PM

Like Gay Pride, ZINE 58 - Pride Issue has finally arrived!

This issue was inspired by two thoughts:

1) providing information to support a safer and healthier 2009 pride season; and 2) recognizing the struggles and accomplshiments of GLBT people from Seattle to NYC.

We have tried to provide you with a good mix of visual creativity, games and thought provoking articles to keep you informed and busy.

To view the pride issue click on the LEARN tab above and click the Amphetazine link!

As always YOUR FEEDBACK and INPUT is vital to the future developments of the ZINE!

From articles to artwork we NEED to here from you! So take a moment to send a thought, suggestion or comment to the Project NEON Team:

Best and enjoy,


Zine 57 is OUT & ABOUT

Posted by A.T. Martin on March 27, 2009 1:22 PM

AmphetaZINE #57, Seattle's premier gay & bi crystal injection publication is up for grabs! Check out Dr. Dick, What's Inny & Outy for 2009... reminisce the 70's Disco Era... Hurry and grab one now! Click here to see the latest! 

AmphetaZINE is a harm reduction publication for gay and bisexual men who shoot crystal. It's not for anyone else, so please keep it in the family. If you are trying to quit crystal or have quit, this AZ might trigger you. Don't hesitate to talk to a NEON Peer Educator, or call a NEON Counselor at 206.323.1768 for further support! AZ contains accurate and up to date health information - rely on it. We don't promote crystal use, just healthy users. The personal stories and creative work of our readers reflect diverse voices. We like it that way. AZ is always free and comes out four times a year. You can get a copy from NEON Peer Educators, Seattle Counseling Service, Steamworks, Basic Plumbing, The Eagle, or the Capitol Hill Needle Exchange. Or email us and we'll hook you up!

Zine 56 is here!

Posted by A.T. Martin on December 25, 2008 1:35 PM

The latest Amphetazine has been posted. Check it out here.
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