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September 2015 Archives

Sneak peek!

Posted by Project NEON on September 22, 2015 11:49 AM

Here's a sneak peek at our 2015 brochure reprint! Different look, same great harm reduction info. Stay tuned for the official release!


Posted by Project NEON on September 11, 2015 11:13 AM

Want a free test? Stop by Seattle Counseling Service today for a FREE HIV test.

Friday, 9/11
3-5 p.m.

Call 206.323.1768 to make an appointment, or just walk-in!

Testing provided by our sister agency Gay City Health Project


Posted by Project NEON on September 8, 2015 6:33 PM

If you're HIV-negative, and think you might have come in contact with HIV (condom break, condomless sex, needle stick, etc.), you might consider getting on PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis). PEP can lower your chances of getting infected with HIV. How does it work? After a possible exposure to HIV, you take a 28-day course of HIV medication to decrease the chance that the virus will settle in your body.
Read on for more info: Feelin' Peppy

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