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June 2013 Archives
Dr. Dick's New Article!
Posted by Project NEON on June 21, 2013 12:25 PMGenerations of Pride
Posted by Project NEON on June 17, 2013 1:31 PMGenerations of Pride: What Does Pride Mean, Then and Now?
Posted on TheBody.com June 1, 2013
No matter what our age or where we come from, everyone's experience of being LGBT is different. Likewise, we each have our own distinct relationship to annual Pride celebrations -- and the notion of Pride itself. For some, a Pride parade was the first time they felt comfortable being themselves as LGBT people. Others find Pride events alienating, and prefer to cultivate pride in close-knit community groups.
We asked LGBT people of all ages, throughout the U.S., what Pride means to them today -- and what it meant to their own generation at the time they first became aware that Pride celebrations existed. Feel free to share your own experience -- or your generation's -- in the Comments section of this page.
Link to full article: Generations of Pride
Source: TheBody.com