The Puget Sound HIV Testing Campaign Survey ends 5/1 - Don't miss your chance to win $150 & tell us what you think!
This survey is for men who have sex with men, who reside in Snohomish, Pierce, and King Counties.
The Puget Sound HIV Testing Campaign Survey ends 5/1 - Don't miss your chance to win $150 & tell us what you think!
This survey is for men who have sex with men, who reside in Snohomish, Pierce, and King Counties.
Welcome Back! By Frank B.
Welcome Back!! As the world recovers slowly, but surely, this is a good time to take a look in the mirror and see how much you've grown and what a beautiful and changing person you really are.
I don't see someone broken, unskilled, or lacking in knowledge but someone else could say they do.
"Get up, get a job, get a life," yeah right! Well the country is still recovering from the crash, unemployment is high. Not enough positions available (or even simple jobs to go around) but there's plenty of work- a great job, in fact!
It pays great and has long term benefits. You can set your own schedule, and be your own boss. Even if your day is spent at home taking care of life and its demands, or for whatever reason you don't have a "real job" you can still be an asset:
Just try to be a better person today than you were the day before. Be responsible; choose good things- take little, give more. Be honest with yourself, with others. Speak kindly to the people you know, be polite to those you don't. Be frugal and look for simple ways to be content. Keep in mind the world can see you. I know I can always work to improve on how I look, and when my house is clean it reflects my happiness to others. Keep your commitments, and respect the rules of society. It's ok to be different, and sometimes to even rub against the grain- but behave yourself. Catch more flies with honey, the old saying goes....
Yesterday was rough, but it's over- today is tough, but I know tomorrow will be better.... And so will I. A little better today than I was yesterday and I can see in myself what I see in others- a beautiful person capable of growth, able to change.
NEON is excited to reveal PEERspective, a blog that gives a voice to guys affected by crystal methamphetamine.
PEERspective seeks to change community norms about the use of crystal methamphetamine among gay, bi, and trans men who use crystal. We hope that each entry will help to bridge the gap of understanding between the using and non-using world.
Thank you to the guys who submit their stories, and thank you to the guys who read them!
Coming soon: Dr. Dick's 3-part article on BDSM 101.
Project NEON got some press awhile back! Check out our story in Seattle Gay News:
Been hearing some buzz about meningitis? Here's an update for folks living in the Seattle area.
Op-ed: I am HIV-Positive and So Can You!
Finding your way back to confidence, no matter what cards you are dealt
Have a couple minutes? Browse through this collection of stories written by guys affected by crystal.
MY METH LIFE, Real Stories
"Don't Ask Don't Tell"
8 Things You Must Know About the Meningitis Outbreak
The 411 on when you should call 911 for meningitis.
Recent cases of meningitis among men who have sex with men in
***UPDATE: JOHN DURAN just contacted us to say there has been another alleged death caused by meningitis and there will be a press conference at 3 p.m. PST today at AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
1. WHAT IS MENINGITIS: Meningitis comes in many forms: viral, fungal, parasitic and bacterial. The type one everyone's talking about right now is a bacterial infection that swells membranes around the brain and spinal cord, leading to coma, memory loss, brain damage and sometimes death. Note the use of "type" and not strain here: medical investigators are unsure whether the strains found in
2. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS: Stiff neck, headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion or disorientation, sensitivity to light or noise and a rash. Symptoms can begin anywhere from 1-22 days from exposure, but they usually arise around day 5. If you have any of these symptoms, stop, drop what you're doing and head to the hospital. Otherwise, remain calm.
3. HOW MENINGITIS IS SPREAD: Though it is an airborne respiratory infection, meningitis is most commonly transmitted by passing saliva or other membranous material between mouths and/or noses. And we're talking serious fluid exchange here, like tongue kissing or face sneezing. But, yes, also just speaking to someone closely, particularly someone who spits when they talk, can lead transmit meningitis.
"It's spread by respiratory droplets, which means you can be sitting and having a prolonged conversation with somebody and spread the disease without having sex. It can also be transmitted through saliva and intimate activities," explained Dr. Parveen Kaur from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. That said, let's be clear: meningitis is not an STD.
Read full story here: 8 Things You Must Know About the Meningitis Outbreak
Source: OUT Magazine
Looking for a visual treat? Check out Visual AIDS on website. It is fabulous!
"Visual AIDS utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over.
Visual AIDS is the only contemporary arts organization fully committed to HIV prevention and AIDS awareness through producing and presenting visual art projects, while assisting artists living with HIV/AIDS. We are committed to preserving and honoring the work of artists with HIV/AIDS and the artistic contributions of the AIDS movement. We embrace diversity and difference in our staff, leadership, artists, and audiences."
NEON is proud to unveil our new brochure Your METHod: A recovery-based journal for gay, bi, and trans men affected by crystal meth.
Thank you to those who told us their stories, and to those who submitted their beautiful art work. You made this journal possible.
Check it out! Your METHod
April is STD Awareness Month. Love your health by getting tested! Click for info on Where to get tested in Seattle/King County, or in other parts of the
Safe Sex 3.0
In May 1983, a groundbreaking booklet introduced a controversial idea to gay men: condoms.
What was so revolutionary about your concept of safe sex?
One of the pleasures of gay sex was that we didn't have to worry about preventing pregnancy, so what was revolutionary was the idea of gay men using condoms. We also [felt it was important that] safe sex advice must go hand in hand with sex, and anal sex in particular, which we did.
Full article: Safe Sex 3.0
Source: POZ Magazine,
Take part in our focus group tomorrow, Wednesday, April 3rd @ 4 p.m.
We'll give you dinner + a QFC gift card!
Call Morgan to sign-up: 206.323.1768