Date with Roe Z. Palm - Dr. Dick

Date with Roe Z. Palm

Dr. Dick,

I went down south to a friend's house for some weekend P n' P, and walked right into a masturbation party. It was an explosive evening watching seven other guys get off, and a couple of guys getting each other off. I wouldn't mind attending another of these get-togethers, and maybe even trying some mutual masturbation. But first, I think I might benefit from some safety and etiquette tips. As far as I know you can't get anything from touching someone's genitals with your hand right?

Roe Z. Palm

Dear Roe Z.,

Masturbation is a very safe and rousing way to get off, especially if you're only touching yourself. Mutual masturbation (two or more individuals manually getting each other off), is also pretty safe, but it does carry a little more risk due to the potential for contact with sexual fluids, sores, and blood. Here's some more info before you buff that banana...

• Know where that Johnson has been? Wash your hands before and after touching someone else's jewels. Fingering the anus and then touching your mouth could lead you to get certain bugs including Hepatitis A, and intestinal bacteria and parasites. Wash your hands well after touching in and around someone's hole. Hepatitis A can also be prevented through a vaccine, and many organizations in Seattle offer this vaccine (and the Hepatitis B vaccine) for free!
• STDs, including herpes and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), can spread when there are no symptoms (herpes blisters, or genital warts). If you touch yourself after touching a partner who has herpes or HPV, there is a small chance you could transmit the infection to your genitals. You can also get a herpes infection on your finger. You can also spread crabs and syphilis this way, though the risk is probably quite low.
• Keep gloves and finger condoms around in case you need them. These provide a barrier against skin-to-skin contact if you have dirty hands/fingernails, cuts or sores on the fingers/hands, or just feel more comfortable covering up.
• Avoid sharing toys for masturbation. If you're using a masturbation sleeve, clean it after use according to the manufacturer's directions before using again or sharing. Put a condom on a dildo if you're sharing, or don't know if the toy is clean.

Use lots of lube to prevent chafing.
• If crystal is in the mix, you might go for hours, and literally rub yourself raw. Chafing from intense masturbation can create little tears that provide entryways for infection. A chafed dick will also feel downright painful in your jeans!
o It is very unlikely that you could transmit HIV through mutual masturbation, as the virus does not live long outside the body. But, scan hands and genitals before you get started to check for any breaks in the skin.

• Get tested every 3 months for HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. If you do test positive for an STD, connect with a medical provider right away for treatment. Early treatment will reduce the chance of you spreading an STD to a partner. Make sure that your partners get screened and treated as well.

Here's to a great night with Rosy Palm,

Dr. Dick

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